Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Abaiang Island resorts receive Mauri Mark rating.

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is pleased to announce that Terau Beach Resort and Ocean Breeze Guesthouse on Abaiang Island have received the Mauri Mark rating. The Mauri Mark is Kiribati’s National Tourism Standards Programme for all visitor accommodations and is designed to ensure high levels of security, safety, sustainable practices, and guest experience.

The Mauri Mark assessment is conducted annually by TAK to assess accommodations based on key criteria, including business operation, room facilities, fire safety, health & hygiene, support service, and sustainable practices. The rating is a significant indicator of accommodation standards and serves as a trusted reference for travelers when making their booking decisions.

“We are delighted to award the Mauri Mark rating to Terau Beach Resort and Ocean Breeze Guesthouse,” said Iataake King, Manager Product Development, Monitoring & Licensing of TAK. “This achievement demonstrates their commitment to providing quality traditional accommodation and services to their guests. We encourage travelers to look for the Mauri Mark when choosing where to stay in Kiribati, as it is a guarantee of a safe and enjoyable experience.”

Terau Beach Resort is a beachfront resort located on the southern coast of Abaiang Island. It offers a variety of accommodations, including traditional bungalows called te buia. Ocean Breeze Guesthouse is a family-run guesthouse located in the village of Tebero. It also offers traditional accommodation with ocean side beachfront setting.

TAK will conduct the Mauri Mark Assessment on Maiana and Butaritari in the coming months.

Online Visitor Satisfaction Survey to help address Kiribati Hospitality Service Gaps.

In an effort to improve Kiribati visitor experiences, the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has placed Visitor Satisfaction Survey (VSS) information cards at local hotels to invite travelers to share their travel experience through the online survey.

The VSS is an online visitor survey that seeks to understand the needs and preferences of visitors to Kiribati. TAK will use VSS to capture traveller sentiments, identify tourism product and service gaps and to work with local tourism business operators to formulate appropriate measures that address these gaps.

VSS information cards feature a QR code and can be found at hotel reception desks.

TAK encourages visitors to Kiribati to share their experiences through the online VSS questionnaire and TAK appreciates the the support of local accommodation providers for agreeing collaborate on such a service improvement initiative.

CLICK HERE to complete a Kiribati Visitor Satisfaction Survey.

Tourism Business Inventory and Outer Island Perception Surveys in Abaiang

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati conducted two Tourism Surveys which are the Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) and the Outer Island Perception Survey (OIPs) on Abaiang from 12 – 17 September 2023.

The Tourism Business Inventory Survey is part of TAK’s yearly program to update information from accommodation providers including number of beds available, staff training needs, accommodation services, facilities, and contact information to be updated on TAK’s information platforms.

The Outer Island Perception Survey is a comprehensive effort to assess locals and to seek their perception on how tourism has influenced the lives and well-being of their community environmentally, economically, and socio-culturally. The survey was conducted among 10% of the total households on the island. Insights collected from this survey will not only help in crafting sustainable tourism policies but also ensures that tourism development are aligns with the community’s interests and values.

TAK would like to acknowledge the generous support from the Cultural Vistas small grant that made the successful execution of the survey. Cultural Vistas is an organization based in Washington DC, USA that committed to fostering cultural exchange and understanding between USA and the Pacific Island Nations that organized the Professional Fellows Program Oceania in June 2023.

The result of the OIPS will be shared once the reports is finalized later this year.

Tarawa Accommodations Awarded 2023 Mauri Mark Rating

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is pleased to announce that most North & South Tarawa Accommodation providers have been awarded Mauri Mark rating following assessments conducted in April and May 2023.

The Mauri Mark rating is a significant indicator of accommodation standards, serving as a trusted reference for travelers when making their booking decisions. It provides valuable insights into the quality and range of services offered, ensuring guests have a clear understanding of what to expect during their stay.

All North and South Tarawa accommodation providers underwent comprehensive evaluation across various criteria to secure their Mauri Mark Coconut rating. The assessment process covered crucial aspects such as Business Operations, Room Facilities, Fire Safety, Health and Hygiene, Support Services, and Sustainability. These parameters were examined to ensure that each rated accommodation provider meets or exceeds industry standards in each category.

The achievement of the Mauri Mark rating for most North and South Tarawa accommodation reflects Kiribati’s dedication to providing an exceptional guest experience albeit their slow recovery post COVID-19.

TAK is confident that amidst these challenging recovery phase, accommodation provider’s adherence to the standards of business operations, room facilities, fire safety measures, health, and hygiene protocols, support services, and commitment to sustainability is an indication of their commitment to raising visitor experience in Kiribati.

TAK will conduct the Mauri Mark Assessment in Kiritimati and the outer islands of the Gilber and Line Islands in the coming months.

Tourism potential for Tabiteuea South Island

Located South of Kiribati’s capital Tarawa, Tabiteuea South is an island shrouded in myths and legends, some which date back to the creation of the island. One such myth is the story of Teueanikai (a tree), which legend has it that the branches of the Teueanikai gave way to the formation of the island of Tabiteuea.

Today, the island is divided into two, Tabiteuea Meang (North) and Tabiteuea Maiaki (South). History has it that a bloody massacre at the shores of Tewai village was initiated by the people of the North in attempt to convert the people of Tab South to Christianity. This battle site is today called Buruburu terara which in English translates to bloodshed.

In a quest to learn more about the island’s intriguing history, Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) Assistant Tourism Officer Garstang Bitauea joined a constituency visit delegation to Tabiteuea South led by the Minister for Tourism, Commerce, Industry & Cooperatives (MTCIC), Honourable Booti Nauan.

During the island tour, Mr. Bitauea took the opportunity to undertake tourism awareness across all villages on the island, highlighting the benefits of tourism, and the role of TAK. The program also included a guided tour of all historical sites led by the Unimwane (elderly men) group called Teueanikai. These historical sites were plotted and recorded and will be updated in the island visitor map.

Mr. Bitauea also conducted the Tourism Business Inventory Survey on the island’s 2 accommodation providers, Santo Betero Parish Hotel and Tab-South Island Council Guesthouse. Information gathered will be shared as visitor information and for used for destination promotion.

TAK recognises that there is potential for Tab South to incorporate the island’s myths and legends through storytelling and historical site preservation into their destination product mix. Equally important will be the engagement of the islanders to actively participate in cultural and heritage preservation.

TAK releases Kiribati Tourism Industry Review, Q2 – 2022

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has released the Kiribati Tourism Industry Review for the second quarter of 2022.

The report reveals that domestic air travel reduced by 22% compared to the previous quarter. Maritime domestic travel grew by 52% compared to Q1 2022.

Employment in the tourism industry also increased by 0.7% from the previous quarter. Room and bed inventory increased by 3% and 1% respectively for the same period.

Other tourism related data are also presented in the report including tourism employment by gender, most visited outer islands, international arrivals and departures.

TAK wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Air Kiribati Limited, the Marine Guard, Immigration department and the tourism and accommodation operators that supplied data for the purpose of this report.

Click here to view the report.

Outer Island Perception Survey (OIPS) Presentation in Butaritari

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) through its Research and Statistics Division presented the Butaritari Outer Island Perception Survey (OIPS) report to the island council Mayor, Acting Clerk, Te Unimwane Chairman and other local people who attended the TAK workshop on tourism product development in Butaritari.

The presentation highlighted the key points of the Butaritari OIPS results which analysed after the survey was conducted on the island in August 2021. The results highlighted the local peoples’ perceptions on tourism on Butaritari. It simplified the data in an understandable format, especially since many of the audience were did not have tourism or statistics backgrounds.

The presentation further outlined what the people thought were the impacts of tourism to their communities. Important areas such as the island’s tourism potential and uniqueness which distinguished it from the rest of Kiribati were also discussed.

Lastly the ways forward on developing Butaritari to becoming a sustainable tourism destination were also shared with the audience.

It is hoped that this information will be shared with the community members by those that were present at the presentations.

Tabiteuea South Outer Island Perceptions (OIPS) Survey Report

TAK has released the Tabiteuea South (Tab South) OIPS report which contains interesting information and data on how the people of Tab South feel about tourism.

The data was collected through a series of face to face interviews with the locals of Tab South in November 2021. The respondents’ ages ranged from 22 -67 years with a gender split of 70% female and 30% male. 20 individuals were interviewed.

The survey measured income from tourism products sold as well as tourism activities and attractions that the people felt were available to visitors.

This report hopes to expose any gaps in the tourism sector on Tab South and identify pathways for TAK, the Island Council and the communities to work together to bridge these gaps and present Tab South to the rest of the world as a truly unique tourism destination.

The survey targets all outer islands except Tarawa and Kiritimati which are considered the ‘urban’ centres of Kiribati. This is the 8th report of its kind and the survey results are shared first with the respective Full Council meeting before it is circulated to other stakeholders and the general public.

Makin Outer Island Perceptions (OIPS) Survey Report

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has completed its report on the Makin Outer Island Perception Survey (OPIS).

The OIPS is conducted by TAK across all the Gilbert outer islands and in Teraina (Washington Island) and Tabuaeran (Fanning Island) to gauge islander’s perceptions on tourism.

Data for this survey was collected through a series of face-to-face interviews with residents of Makin Island. Questions in the survey include income earned through tourism, participants understanding of the impact of tourism on the islands and their recommendations of how tourism development can benefit them.

This report informs TAK on the gaps in the tourism sector on Makin and identifies pathways for TAK, the Makin Island Council, communities and stakeholders to work together to bridge these gaps and present Makin for what it truly represents both culturally and naturally.

The survey was based on a 10% sample size of the islands population and respondents’ ages ranged from 20-78 years with a gender split of 49% female and 51% male.

TAK will complete the OIPS for remaining islands in this current quarter.

Tourism Survey in North Tarawa

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati conducted its annual survey known as the Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) in North Tarawa on the 25th and 26th of March. The primary objective of this survey is to update the TAK database of tourism operators and includes data such as services offered, available facilities, number of rooms, and number of employees to name a few.

This is part of TAK’s annual work plan to ensure our accommodation database is accurate and up to date. The data collected is strictly confidential and only the contact information or a combined summary of the businesses is shared with stakeholders and our regional and international partners.

The team surveyed 7 properties namely Tabon Tekeeke; Tabuki Retreat; Uaai Getaway; Bikennarara Resort; Nemat Resort; Tarabuka Hideaway and Ocean View.  Many of these accommodations are locally built comprising of overwater Buia and local huts.

The survey was conducted by the Research and Statistics Division team.