Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Tarawa Accommodations Awarded 2023 Mauri Mark Rating

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is pleased to announce that most North & South Tarawa Accommodation providers have been awarded Mauri Mark rating following assessments conducted in April and May 2023.

The Mauri Mark rating is a significant indicator of accommodation standards, serving as a trusted reference for travelers when making their booking decisions. It provides valuable insights into the quality and range of services offered, ensuring guests have a clear understanding of what to expect during their stay.

All North and South Tarawa accommodation providers underwent comprehensive evaluation across various criteria to secure their Mauri Mark Coconut rating. The assessment process covered crucial aspects such as Business Operations, Room Facilities, Fire Safety, Health and Hygiene, Support Services, and Sustainability. These parameters were examined to ensure that each rated accommodation provider meets or exceeds industry standards in each category.

The achievement of the Mauri Mark rating for most North and South Tarawa accommodation reflects Kiribati’s dedication to providing an exceptional guest experience albeit their slow recovery post COVID-19.

TAK is confident that amidst these challenging recovery phase, accommodation provider’s adherence to the standards of business operations, room facilities, fire safety measures, health, and hygiene protocols, support services, and commitment to sustainability is an indication of their commitment to raising visitor experience in Kiribati.

TAK will conduct the Mauri Mark Assessment in Kiritimati and the outer islands of the Gilber and Line Islands in the coming months.