Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK Officer Embarks on Digital Tourism Journey with PTI Australia

Mr. Tiuti Biribo an officer of the Tourism Authority of Kiribati or TAK has recently completed a dynamic two-week internship with Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia, focusing on Digital Tourism as part of the organization’s Talent Development Program. From August 5th to 19th, 2024, Mr. Biribo was immersed in the world of tourism promotion and digital engagement under the guidance of Tourism Manager, Ms. Onorina Fugawai.

The highlight of Biribo’s internship was representing the six “Hidden Treasures of the South Pacific” — Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Tuvalu, Tonga, and the Federated States of Micronesia — throughout the roadshows. Held in six different Australian cities, these events provided a platform to showcase the unique charm and allure of these lesser-known destinations.
• Day 1 (August 5th): QT Hotel, Canberra
• Day 2 (August 6th): View By Sydney, Pier 2, Walsh Bay, Sydney
• Day 3 (August 7th): Cargo Hall, South Wharf Promenade, Melbourne
• Day 4 (August 12th): The Warehouse Loft, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
• Day 5 (August 13th): Pier 33, Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast
• Day 6 (August 14th): QT Hotel, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast

Mr. Biribo’s internship journey was marked by a transition from observation to active participation. During the first three days, he keenly observed the roadshow dynamics, gaining valuable insights into event management, marketing techniques, and audience engagement. Empowered by this knowledge, he confidently took the stage from Day 4 to Day 6, delivering captivating presentations that highlighted the unique offerings of the six Hidden Treasures.

Mr. Biribo’s internship with PTI Australia proved to be a transformative experience. The blend of expert mentorship, hands-on involvement in the roadshows, and the opportunity to represent the captivating Hidden Treasures of the South Pacific has equipped him with a unique skill set and a deep appreciation for the power of digital tourism. This experience will undoubtedly propel him toward a successful career where he will be able to share his new knowledge and skills with TAK team to better promote Kiribati as a tourism destination.

The ‘Mauri Way’ Tourism & Hospitality Customer Service Training Program rolls out in North Tarawa

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has completed delivering a four-day Tourism & Hospitality Mauri Way Customer Service Training Program to local tourism operators in North Tarawa. The training was held from Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th June 2024 at Moturerei Motel Maneaba in Abaokoro, North Tarawa.

The Mauri Way is a Kiribati Tourism & Hospitality Customer Service training program designed to educate our local operators in ways to share our culture with visitors and deliver a memorable and exceptional visitor experience, the Kiribati way.

This new program aims to empower local representatives from accommodation providers and communities with valuable insights and knowledge to enhance customer service to a national level, creating a memorable visitor experience.
Mauri Way Customer Service training program was covered with Seven modules including:

• Module 1: Introduction/Overview of Te Mauri Way
• Module 2: First Impression
• Module 3: Types of Travellers and Cultural Awareness
• Module 4: Anticipating Travellers Needs and Wants
• Module 5: Problem-Solving, Complaint Handling and Conflict Management
• Module 6: Customer Service
• Module 7: Bring it all Together.

As part of this training, participants engaged in various activities led by the trainers, including role-play demonstrations, group presentations, and Q&A sessions. The training was conducted by two tourism officers, Ms. Monika Rikita and Ms. Tie Manuera, an Acting Assistant Tourism Officer.

Sixteen participants from various local tourism operators attended the newly introduced Mauri Way training. These participants represented Buariki Paradise Resort, Tarabuka Hideaway Lodge, Moturerei Motel, Oceanview Motel, and Eutan Tarawaieta Council.

Tourism Authority of Kiribati continues to acknowledge the Pacer Plus Implementation Unit for financing this program and for the Ministry of Tourism Commerce Industry and Cooperatives for smooth support and facilitation during the delivery of the new national Tourism & Hospitality Mauri Way Customer Service training program.

Kiribati Draws Closer to a New Destination Brand

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is making significant progress towards unveiling a new destination brand for Kiribati. This development follows the successful Branding Validation Workshop held on June 20, 2024, at the Marine Training Center (MTC) in South Tarawa. The workshop coincided with the visit of branding consultant Mr. Carl Solomon from the Destination Marketing Store (DMS) in Australia. Mr. Solomon conducted the workshop to share the results of his consultation in South Tarawa, which took place in March 2024.

Mr. Solomon was referred to TAK by the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI), a regional technical assistance program partnered with the governments of Australia and New Zealand, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The PSDI is funding the project to assist TAK in developing a new destination brand for Kiribati.

The primary goal of the rebranding initiative is to create a refreshed brand that aligns with the values of the Kiribati community and key policies and strategies, such as the Kiribati Vision 20 (KV20), the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Policy (KSTP), and TAK’s Strategic Plan.

Mr. Solomon emphasized that the new brand would center around the Local Hero archetype, highlighting the ‘I-Kiribati’ culture, heritage, and community. He noted that the brand will be shaped by the people of Kiribati, reflecting how they wish to present their destination brand to the world. The aim is to capture their passion for their homeland and culture while delivering unique visitor experiences that attract high-yield, low-impact tourism. This brand approach promotes sustainable tourism development, balancing cultural preservation, environmental protection, and economic growth.

The Branding Validation Workshop on June 20th brought together representatives from the local tourism industry, NGOs, and government agencies. Mr. Solomon presented the Kiribati New Brand Strategy and visual brand identity concepts, inspired by the Local Hero archetype. Despite the progress made during the workshop, TAK recognizes that further work is needed to finalize the brand, with the official launch planned soon this year, 2024.

TAK attends the Pacific Tourism Organization’s Research Symposium

Two officers from the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) participated in a significant Research Symposium, held in Nadi, Fiji at the Novotel Hotel and Tanoa Hotel from April 29th to May 2nd, 2024. The Symposium was hosted by the Tourism regional body the Pacific Tourism Organisation also known as the South Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO).
The workshop proved to be an invaluable opportunity for professional development in the field of tourism analysis. The symposium covered essential topics, including research design fundamentals, various research methodologies, survey design principles, basic skills in SPSS software and Monitoring and Evaluation learning components. These components were essential for enhancing the skills of tourism participants in tourism research.

Throughout the symposium, participants engaged in an interactive sessions and practical activities aimed at deepening their understanding on research analysis.

The workshop allows attendees to exchange insights and experiences with fellow professionals from the region. Moreover, the event facilitated networking opportunities, enabling the Research and Statistics Tourism Officer to establish valuable connections within the tourism industry. As a result, the symposium not only enhanced individual competencies but also contributed to the collective effort towards fostering sustainable tourism development in the Pacific region.

TAK’s Mauri Way Hospitality & Customer Service Training Program Rolls out in Tarawa

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has initially rolled out its new Hospitality & Customer Service training program, ‘Mauri Way’. This new tourism training program commenced on Tuesday, May 14th to Friday, 17th 2024, at St. Joseph Parish Hall in Bikenibeu in South Tarawa’s capital and was attended by local tourism operators from South Tarawa and North Tarawa.

The Mauri Way is a Kiribati Tourism & Hospitality Customer Service training program designed to educate our local operators in ways to share our culture with visitors and deliver a memorable and exceptional visitor experience, the Kiribati way.

Introducing the Mauri Way Tourism & Hospitality Customer Service training program was therefore aimed at empowering all local tourism operators in Kiribati with valuable insights and knowledge to boost their customer service to a national level and enhance visitors’ experiences.

TAK has already completed two rounds of Mauri Way training. The first cohort consisted of operators from North Tarawa, and the second cohort was held from May 21st to 24th, 2024, with local operators from South Tarawa at the Youth for Christian Living (YCL) Conference room in Antebuka in South Tarawa.

The training covered seven modules, which include:
Module 1: Introduction to Mauri Way,
Module 2: First Impression,
Module 3: Types of Travellers and Cultural Awareness,
Module 4: Anticipating travellers’ needs and wants,
Module 5: Problem-solving, Complaint Handling, and Conflict Management,
Module 6: Customer Service
Module 7: Bringing it all together.
The training was conducted by two Tourism Officers, Senior Tourism Officer Ms. Ereata Benson, and Tourism Officer Ms. Monika Rikita.

A total of 25 participants from various tourism operators attended the training, with 8 joining the first session and the remaining 17 participating in the second session.
The Tourism Authority of Kiribati acknowledges the Pacer Plus Implementation Unit for funding this training program and the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce, Industry & Cooperatives for their support and facilitation during the delivery of this new national hospitality & customer service training program

Butaritari Tourism Product Development Consultation

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted a 1-week consultation on Niche Tourism Product Development on Butaitari from 27 May – 2 June 2022.

The consultation was done with Keuea village, Ukiangang Meang and Maiaki, Bikaati islet and Tanimaiaki village, Te unimwaane association and Butaritari island council.

The five participating communities confirmed their tourism product offerings, and these include Marine Protected Area (MPA) tour, giant clam tour, mangrove forest tour, World War ll tours, including the bombing of Keuea and Kaukinanganga event, island cultural tour including Nantekei war dance, sports tourism (te uniwakaa), and agritourism.

The consultation included discussions on product development stages, product quality and pricing and a training workshop on tourism package development.

Through this mission, TAK helped establish the Butaritari Tourism Development Working Committee (BTDWC) as a standing committee of the island council. The BTDWC will be mandated to oversee the development and management of tourism product development and other tourism related activities on the island.

The Butaritari island council and the new working committee have extended their full support to TAK to help develop Butaritari as a resilient and sustainable tourism destination.


Plastic Repurposing for Sustainable Tourism in Abemama

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in partnership with Environment and Conservation Division (ECD) within the Ministry of Environment Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD) completed the 1-week training on the plastic waste repurposing on the island of Abemama from 20 – 24 June 2022.

The workshop is a follow-on training from the Pacific Tourism Organisation’s (SPTO) Pacific Tourism Waste Action Initiative (PTWAI) where participants from the PTWAI training shared their skills with the participants in Abemama.

Abemama is the first island selected through Urban Development Project Phase II – Solid Waste Management Project to pilot 1-week plastic waste repurposing training.

The training is also part of TAK and the ECD’s initiative to support Kiribati’s sustainable tourism goals through the upcycling of plastic waste into valuable jewellery and artifacts that can be sold to travellers that visit the island.

Chairlady of the women councillor in Abemama, Mrs Bikenteiti Rutio said that “such a program was an opportunity for them to acquire new skills and knowledge for a new revenue stream”.

Acting Island clerk Mrs Teitirua Tekamau also commented that the “initiative not only assisted with minimizing plastic wastes to support clean, safe, and healthy environment of Abemama but also to boost the economy through the women’s creativity”.

18 women representatives from the island’s women’s council participate in the event. The program was funded by the Urban Development Project – Solid Waste Management Project and implemented under the Environment and Conservation Division.

TAK Officers complete Destination Resilience Training 

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) Senior Tourism Officer Research & Statistics Mr, Nemani Tebana and Product Development Officer Ms. Kiarake Karuaki participated in the “Enhancing Climate Resilience in Tourism in the Pacific” training from 24 January – 18 February 2022

The 4-weeks online training program was delivered under the Project for Capacity Building on Climate Resilience in the Pacific at the Pacific Climate Change Centre (CBCRP-PCCC) in partnership with the Government of Samoa, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in collaboration with the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO).

The aims of the training program were to enhance the understanding of risks of climate change impacts on the tourism sector; to enhance the understanding of tangible options and actions of the tourism sector to respond to the impacts of climate change; to present good practices of case studies and projects on resilient and low carbon operation of tourism sector implemented in the Pacific; and to develop skills to prepare logical frameworks to support implementation of recovery plans.

The training has provided the two officers with practical knowledge on the development of logical frameworks related to mitigation and/or adaptation activities for tourism. Mr Tebana and Ms Karuaki will also use their new skills in the development and implementation of the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Policy and Strategy 2022 – 2025.

KIRIBATI on PATA eLearning platform

Travel agents worldwide will now be able to learn about Kiribati through the Pacific Asia Travel Association’s (PATA) eLearning platform.

The PATA eLearning platform is for travel agents, tourism professionals, and destination marketers who want to refresh their knowledge about a travel destination.

The Kiribati training module is categorized into 5 modules and these include destination highlights, attractions and activities, culture, customs and events, accommodation, shopping and dining and fast facts.

TAK believes that this is a great opportunity for Kiribati to be to be introduced to travel professionals who are taking this downtime in international travel to learn about new destinations. Once training is completed, participants will be certified as Kiribati specialist agents.

The Kiribati training module can be accessed on and will be available until March 2021.

Rate and Revenue Management Virtual Workshop for Tourism Operators

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati conducted a Virtual Workshop for Tourism Operators on Rate and Revenue Management at the Vodafone Boardroom today, the 30th June 2020.

The virtual workshop was facilitated by Mr. Warwick McCormark – Founder and International Director at Learn, Fast Centre Auckland, New Zealand.

The workshop covered rate and revenue, with emphasis on how local operators can creatively develop alternative products and pricing in the current business environment. It also highlighted the human resource management challenges that COVID-19 presents and how businesses can handle this in a more humane and financially viable manner.

Participants were from South Tarawa, North Tarawa and Abaiang whilst the Ministry of Internal Affairs represented the islands council accommodation in the outer islands.

The workshop is part of TAK’s strategy to strengthen local capacity during this quiet business period.