Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Working Committee to look after the maintenance and beautification of WWII relics on Betio, Tarawa.

The WWII relics Working Committee comprising of representatives from various stakeholders of relevant Ministries and organizations via Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy, Ministry of Information, Communications and Tourism Development, Office of Te Beretitenti, the Betio Town Council and the Red Cross  has recently been set up by the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) to look after and manage the maintenance and beautification of all key WWII Relics that can be seen on Betio.

The Working Committee held its first meeting on Friday, 13th September 2019 at the Ministry of Information, Communications and Tourism Development where they discussed and brainstormed ideas on how the current state of these WWII relics can be maintained in order to be more sustainable in future for incoming travelers interested in visiting these historical sites. The committee also had an opportunity as part of the meeting to do the sites visit to get a firsthand experience and observations on the current issues relating to these WWII relics and to come up with ideas and recommendations that would help solve these issues.

Working Committee to look after the maintenance and beautification of WWII relics on Betio, Tarawa

Among the issues discussed at the meeting that was considered a priority was the need to get cabinet’s clarifications on who has the ownership and guardianship of all these WWII relics. Once this has been cleared, the next important step for the committee would be to convene its next meeting and start working on the issues and recommendations as identified following the sites visit for the maintenance and beautification of all these WWII relics.

Cherishing the cultural and historical stories of Nonouti – International fly fishing and anglers cultural experience in Nonouti

A week before the arrival of the first group of anglers in Nonouti, TAK official visited Nonouti to prepare the island from the 2nd to the 9th of September.

Part of the fishing package prepared by the Island Council and the TAK is the cultural aspect of Nonouti. Such cultural aspects are the cultural and historical heritage of Nonouti Island which mostly tells a story of the island of Nonouti and the people itself

There are 6 cultural/historical sites including monuments stationed in two villages identified by the tour guide from Nonouti. These are: Te Aake Maneaba, Marenaubon, the shrine of Nei Tewenei, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic and the monuments of the first Catholic missionaries arrived in Kiribati, Nonouti. These are all stationed at Umwantewenei and Taribo tribe in the village of Taboiaki. Ana Ngea te Unimwaane is the last shrine and offering site located at Tekib’aka tribe in Temoti village, the last village in the Southern Nonouti. The following sites were identified and chosen as the major cultural and historical sites to be visited because of their important and rich stories about the Kiribati customs and beliefs, the first arrival of Christianity in Kiribati and the married of both the traditional and western knowledge that built up the largest community house/maneaba in Kiribati.

Cherishing the cultural and historical stories of Nonouti - International fly fishing and anglers cultural experiences in Nonouti Island

As part of the biggest preparation for the island, the TAK work closely with the local tour guide and the communities for a beautification and maintenance task. TAK spent a week for this preparation of the sites cleaning and landscaping. Part of the preparation, TAK and the local tour guide managed to create simple signage of each cultural sites & monuments. This will ensure that while the tour guide is taking the visitors around to these sites & monuments telling each story, the visitors can also relate to the signage at the same time. This will also be easy for the anglers to note down the names of cultural sites & monuments visited. Additionally, it will be helpful to the anglers when it comes to sharing such great cultural tour experiences via travel blogs or social media outlets. There would not be issues with naming such sites and monuments.

TAK also promoted to the local communities the importance of these sites and how small- scale businesses can be developed to support their livelihood at the same time. This will create a sense of ownership to these sites and will support its maintenance in the long term. “This is a great idea, we can make garlands for the anglers and sell it to them together with the fresh coconut juice (moimoto)” said Angineti Itinata from the Catholic Church women group from Te Riki-n-Imakurata, Taboiaki.

This activity is supported by the LDCF-1 Project, funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented under the Environment and Conservation Division with the support of the United Nations Development Programme.

TAK celebrates World Tourism Day

The World Tourism Day celebration was held In Kiribati on Friday, 27th September 2019 on both South Tarawa and Kiritimati Island promoting the theme, Tourism & Jobs; A better future for all.

The main aim of the event is to present to senior high school student and the general public, employments opportunities and related training information available in the tourism industry.

In South Tarawa, more than 200 students turned up to the event attending the first ever Tourism Career Expo organized on the 27th September 2019. The event was officially opened by a Chief Guest, the Minister of Employment and Human Resource Development, Hon Iotebwa Redfern. The program was engaging and rewarding at the same time as exhibitors and students were having a good time discussing on the tourism and hospitality employment opportunities available and to be available at their respective organizations.

TAK Celebrates
World Tourism Day

Celebration of world tourism day in Kiritimati Island commences on the 23rd of September till the 27th September 2019. The five days celebration attended by 30 participants include training on Housekeeping conducted by TAK staff and Start Your Business (STY) delivered by the Ministry of Commerce and International Cooperation (MCIC) staff and ended with an award of certificates to participants. Official celebration which was held on the 27th September 2019 was officially opened by Chief Guest, Honorable Mikarite, Minister of the Ministry of Line and Phoenix Island Development.

TAK wishes to extend words of appreciation and gratitude to the Broadcasting and Publication Authority, Taotin Trading, Kiribati Office Equipment Supply (KOES), Triple T and the Slim Price for their generous support in sponsoring this World Tourism Day in South Tarawa and to all Exhibitors and trainers for their participation during the celebration of world tourism day.

TAK to host Tourism Careers Expo

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has designated 27 September 2019 as World Tourism Day and the theme for this year’s global celebration is ‘Tourism & Jobs – A Better Future for All’.

To celebrate this, the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in partnership with training institutions, private sectors partners, the national airline and selected government agencies will host its first ever tourism careers expo in Tarawa and Kiritimati.

The aim of the event to present senior high school students and the general public employment opportunities and related training information available for the tourism industry.

Tourism Authority of Kiribati to Host Tourism Careers Expo

Through the KV20, tourism has been identified as a priority area that will drive economic growth for Kiribati and the tourism careers expo will help lay the platform for what TAK hopes to be a well-trained pool of tourism specialists in the future.

TAK and the exhibitors will encourage participants of the expo to appreciate the potential that a successful tourism industry can have for the Kiribati and to begin considering how they can be part of this path towards sustainable tourism growth.

5 secondary schools have confirmed their attendance at the Tarawa expo, and they include King George V & Ellaine Bernacchi School, Moroni High School, William Goward Memorial School, St. Louis High School and Sacred Heart High School. Kiritimati is expected to be attended by both high schools on the island.

Doors to both expos will open from 9am and the Tarawa expo will conclude at 3pm while the Kiritimati expo will end at 1pm.

Community first: A Bottom-Up approach to sustain livelihoods at the communities of Abemama through Eco-tourism and Community-Based Fisheries Management approach.

A team of two (2) officials from Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) and Fisheries Division (FD) had visited Abemama on the 4-11 August 2019 to empower the local communities to generate and control directly their own Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and tourism activities.

9 communities were visited including Tebwanga Maiaki and Meang, Tabontebike, Reina, Baretoa, Tekatirirake, Tabiang Maiaki and Meang and the islet of Abemama named Abatiku.

This joint initiative is to allow the communities to enhance their development and well-being in respect of the marine biodiversity and their cultural heritage in order to sustain their food security from the marine food sources against tourism and climate change impact.

Component of the consultation include amongst others; awareness on Community Based Fisheries Management locally known, tour package development utilizing cultural and natural resources available linking both agriculture and tourism sectors: “agritourism”.

This has many benefits to the communities of Abemama such as creating and sustaining livelihoods through conservation of the marine and land biodiversity, maintaining and beautification of cultural heritage sites, introducing of income generating activities through the MPAs and cultural sites tours, showcasing of unique traditional ways of living, marketing of local handicrafts, bringing in sustainable tourism developments and practices such as in planning of creative and environmental friendly accommodations. From these benefits, all are contributing to enhancing of food security against the impact of climate change and overall increasing the national economic developments as a higher-level objective.

As an outcome of this visit, the management plan for MPA in Abatiku will be drafted and to have incorporated the protection of bonefish for fly-fishing game targeted for international tourists. 1 new community from Kabangaki village proposed to establish it’s MPA, awareness is increased on the development and implementation of the tour package development, identification of constraints in the implementation of the community Fisheries Management Plans and the possible way forward, awareness is increased on the integration of their natural resources with tourism such as in showcasing the giant taro swamp and traditional skills to cultivate the giant taro plant.

During the visit to Abatiku islet, the community were also informed about the coming of the Cruise in November 2020 for the tour to this islet. Hence the community were also briefed on the need to ensure preparation of the islet for guest satisfaction and for the locals to utilize this opportunity in marketing their traditional skills, dances and handicrafts.

Strong support was seen from the communities throughout the consultation such as in the islet of Abatiku, the councilor and the members had agreed to support this visit. The councilor Mr Avia Teruruai said “you have the full support of Abatiku as a whole to prepare for the cruise visit by protecting our marine resources, maintaining and conserving the historical and cultural site at sea and on land as part of the cruise passengers unique experience”.

At Tekatirirake village, the community added that “the need of establishing our marine protected areas will serve two purposes; to protect and conserve our marine resources and also to create something that would attract tourists.” Such a comment reaffirms the of value this program for the people of Abemama. Thus, the benefits will also assist in mitigating food security challenges and create more enterprising opportunities.

The trip was supported by the Kiribati LDCF-I project, funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented under the Environment and Conservation Division with the support of the United Nations Development Programme.





TAK presents at Culture Workshop


The Ministry of Internal Affairs through its Culture & Museum Division held its workshop with the Island Development Officers (IDOs) on Friday 15th August 2019. The main aim of the workshop was to inform and clarify more on the roles of the IDOs as their job description was now extended to providing tour guiding services to the visitors to their islands they worked on.

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) was invited to the workshop to deliver a presentation on Tour Guiding processes. Ms. Ereata Benson, Senior Officer, Training, Development and Special Project Unit of TAK attended the workshop and provided further clarity on the importance of the tour guiding and the tour guide’s main roles and responsibilities.

Since the workshop was meant to equip the IDOs with knowledge and skills of a tour guide, the presentation highlighted why tour guides are important in creating quality experiences for visitors to their islands.

The workshop also highlighted the linkages between the Culture & Museum Division and the Tourism Authority of Kiribati, especially the need to fulfil the goals and objectives of the Kiribati Vision for 20 Years (KV20) where Tourism Authority of Kiribati is obliged to support activities related to cultural tourism.

TAK joins Kiritimati Solid Waste Management Subcommittee

Photo Credit (

The Wildlife & Conservation Unit in partnership with the Solid Waste Management Project Office in Kiritimati conducted a meeting to discuss solid waste management challenges in Kiritimati on Tuesday 13th of August 2019 at the Solid Waste Management Coordinator office

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) and Kiritimati Urban Council (KUC) are the two key waste management players that were invited to this special meeting to discuss the possibility to establish a subcommittee with the aim to provide advice to the mother committee ways to address illegal waste dumping or waste disposal on the island.

Since Tourism is a prioritized sector under KV20 and Kiritimati island is a world-class fly-fishing destination, TAK was also invited to assist in formulating activities related to sustainable tourism on the island. These include tourism awareness programs such as roadshows, awareness signboards and community consultations.

TAK staff returns from Indonesia Cultural Exchange and Learning Program


Tourism Officer Ms. Monika Kanimea has returned from the Indonesian Arts & Culture exchange and learning program in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

Conducted from 04 May – 19 August 2019, The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship is one of Indonesia’s short-term scholarships that has been offered since 2003, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and fully funded by the Republic of Indonesia. The program consisted of 72 awardees from different 40 countries across the world including Kiribati.

The aim of this program was to foster a better understanding of Indonesia’s immensely diverse arts and cultural heritage and Ms Kanimea was also positioned in Kutai Kartanegara, of the East Kalimantan province where her learning of the Indonesian culture continued.

Apart from learning the language, local dance and music of Indonesia, Ms. Kanimea also visited numerous cultural tourism attractions of East Kalimantan. These included Mulawarman Museum; formerly known as the place of the Dutch during the 1930s that once was the power base where 19 sultans reigned. The Kumala Island, a small island in the middle of the river used as a recreational park. The Borneo Orangutan Forest Conservation, a non-profit organization that supports the conservation of Bornean Orangutans and their habitats. The Pesut Etam Tourism Boat, a boat that carries more than 50 passengers and goes around Mahakam river in Samarinda where you can see the beauty of this river and other Samarinda tourist destinations as well, and last but not least, the Ladaya Budaya, the place where all cultural outbound activities are carried out.

Ms. Kanimea has now resumed work at TAK and will use the experience and knowledge acquired from Indonesia to help improve the development and marketing of Kiribati arts and cultural through tourism.

Survey to Target Departing Anglers on Kiritimati island

Christmas Island, Kiribati (Widescenes Photography)

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in Kiritimati island has commenced work on a first ever visitor survey specifically for departing Anglers. The aim of this survey is to capture valuable feedback from anglers on their experiences as fishing is the main niche market for the island.

TAK is collaborating with the Kiritimati Fishing guide operators and they held their first meeting on Friday 2nd of August to discuss the formation of the survey questionnaire.

The survey is scheduled to begin at the commencement of the next fishing season in October 2019 and will run concurrent with the International Visitor Survey (IVS) currently conducted by TAK at Cassidy International Airport in Kiritimati.

Once completed, the Tourism Authority of Kiribati hopes that information collated will present a better understanding of the anglers’ perception of the destination and will allow TAK to make more informed decision about development and promotion of the Kiritimati fishing segment.

Tourism opportunities from good waste management practices

South Tarawa and Betio will benefit from tourism opportunities if the capital is kept clean and there is collaborative effort for good waste management practices. This was the key message highlighted during the Kiribati Te Boboto Technical Dialogue (Boboto means Beautiful) hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD on 23 August at the Otintaai Hotel.

The technical dialogue was attended to by various government ministries, Island councils (BTC and TUC Clerks), community and church group representatives, business representatives, NGOs and as well as the New Zealand High Commission Office.


Tourism Opportunities from Good waste management practices

Tourism Authority of Kiribati Deputy CEO, Ms. Reeti Onorio delivered a presentation on the the impacts of improper Solid wastes disposals on tourism. Key to her message was the disparity between travellers dream of a clean and beautiful tropical island paradise against the current state of cleanliness of most parts of South Tarawa.

In her presentation, Ms. Onorio also shared funding of two international visitor surveys, which listed plastics and bottles, metal and broken cars, and other wastes as their main disappointments in Tarawa. The survey also highlighted negative experiences when travellers visited war relics and some local beaches.

Ms. Onorio emphasised that tourism has a lot of potential to grow and extend its social and economic values nationwide and the image of clean and beautiful capital will help influence our visitor’s perception of Tarawa.

Whilst there were various challenges addressed during the dialogue, there was progressive transition of motivation by village communities and citizens, Government and NGOs to help improve the image of the country.

The Minister of MELAD, Hon. Alexander Teabo stressed the importance of all stakeholders to work together to keep Kiribati Bobotoo. Waste management is everyone’s business and it is only through collaboration and team effort and through a change behavioural habit that South Tarawa and Betio can become a cleaner and more desirable destination.