Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Boat Safety, First Aid, Pastry and Tour Guiding training in Maiana

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in collaboration with the Marine Division and the Kiribati Red Cross Society undertook tourism operator training in Maiana, from 20 – 24th April 2020

The Training was part of the TAK capacity building development program to support the game fishing initiatives, to establish an ecotourism venture on the island.

Maiana island is one of the pilot islands, under the LDCF-I project, aimed to develop a game fishing market for the island.  Ultimately the project aims to help generate income from the coastal zone resources sustainably, and also motivate the locals to practice coastal fisheries conservation.

The specific areas of training included  boat safety, first aid, pastry/baking and tour guiding. This activity should guarantee that: the people of Maiana are well prepared when the whole island is eventually opened up to international markets for fly-fishing games; as communities organize their tour activities and programs.

In addition, the training had also encouraged the community members in Maiana to actively engage in reviving any food conservation methods, as well as valuing their culture, land and marine environments, as means to build resilience under climate change conditions and improve visitor experiences.

The boat safety and first aid training were particularly relevant to the game fishing market as there were focused on equipping participants with any immediate and required services to anglers should they encounter any problem at sea.

68 participants attended the four training sessions which were all run at the same time and 57 % of the attendees were women and 43% were men.

The week concluded with a closing ceremony and the awarding of certificates to all participants and the handing over of the speed boat to the Maiana Island Council from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development.

Mayor and the Leader of the Elders Association (Te Bau Ni Maiana) on the island, applauded the successful completion of the training. with

GoK launches COVID-19 response website

The Government of Kiribati (GoK) has launched a website dedicated to centralising the dissemination of COVID-19 information.

The aim of the website is to provide a COVID-19 information hub with up to date, accurate and official information about the pandemic as approved by the Ministry Health and Medical Services (MHMS).

In addition to the general situation brief, the page also includes other government advisories on Coronavirus including civil servants, education, commodities and safety and enforcement.

I-Kiribati nationals currently stranded overseas due to flight restrictions can also refer to the website for official advise on GoK funding assistance.

TAK recommends that the website be used as the only source of COVID-19 information for residents and travellers to reduce the likelihood of rumours that may cause unnecessary panic amongst the people.

ANZ Kiribati loan deferrals

ANZ Kiribati is offering loan repayment deferrals for up to six months for ANZ customers financially affected by Covid-19.

Loan repayment deferrals mean that qualifying customers will not make principal and interest payments on their loans for up to six months, although interest will continue to be charged to the loan.

They are part of a range of other measures designed to support ANZ customers in hardship and are in addition to fee removal and interest rate reductions already implemented by ANZ.

ANZ Kiribati Country Head Gregory Edwards said the economic downturn is becoming more acute for Kiribati and other Pacific countries due to Covid-19.

“Covid-19 restrictions are financially impacting thousands of homeowners, personal borrowers and businesses in the Pacific, and for many the ability to maintain their home loan is a major concern,” said Mr Edwards.    “This is going to significantly help Kiribati people and the broader economy to manage over the long term through the pandemic.”

ANZ Regional Executive for the Pacific Tessa Price cautioned customers to look at the range of relief options available, as a deferral might not be the right solution for everyone.


“Loan repayment deferrals are designed to help our customers reduce their outgoings by temporarily stopping their loan repayments.”

“Loan deferrals will extend the life of the loan and add to the overall cost, so we’ll be talking to customers to ensure a loan deferral is the best option for them, and that other options might better meet their needs.”

“We ask that our customers be patient with us as we work through the high number of calls and applications coming through.”

Hardship options for ANZ Kiribati customers include*:

  • Loan restructures to extend the maturity date of a term loan and reduce payments;
  • Interest only loans for up to six months;
  • Temporary working capital facilities;
  • Term loan repayment deferrals for six months upon application, with interest accumulating.

*Note: the measures applied depend on the individual circumstances

  • Fee removals and interest rate reductions for ANZ Kiribati customers already offered by ANZ*: A reduction of 0.50% per annum on all local currency overdrafts for commercial customers (effective 6 April);
  • A reduction of 0.50% per annum on all local currency variable term loans for commercial customers (effective 1 May);
  • A reduction of 0.50% per annum on all local currency variable home loans and personal loans (effective 1 May);
  • Removal of monthly loan administration charges for term loans for both retail and commercial customers (effective 1 May);
  • A waiver on loan restructuring fees for commercial customers on a case-by-case basis;

A reduction in repayment amounts for commercial customers in line with the reduced interest rates

First Virtual Tourism Digital Workshop for Kiribati

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in partnership with the Pacific Trade and Invest (PTI) Australia and World Hotel Link (WHL) hosted the country’s first ever Virtual Digital Tourism Workshop on the 28 April 2020.  The half day webinar was attended by tourism operators from Tarawa, Abaiang and Kiritimati and was hosted at the Vodafone boardroom in Bairiki.

The webinar is part of the TAK’s capacity building initiative for industry partners and stakeholders during this COVID-19 pandemic.

The aim of the webinar was to offer training on effective website management and how such a tool can be better used to improve sales and profitability.  Topics of this online session included the importance of knowing the online buying cycle, critical functionality/features of a website to boost sales and revenue and booking engine management.

Attendees appreciated the relevance of the webinar and acknowledged that it will add value to their respective organisations.

Through the webinar, PTI also reconfirmed its COVID-19 digital marketing relief package which includes the complimentary development of new business websites for tourism operators currently without one and a discounted monthly website maintenance fees for operators whose websites were developed by WHL.

TAK will roll out other capacity building programs to help upskill industry partners during this current global pandemic.

TAK welcomes new Marine Protected Area plan

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) participated in the Southern Line Islands Marine Protected Area (SLIMPA) workshop to review the Draft SLIMPA Management Plan 2020 – 2024 on Thursday 16 April 2020.

The objective of the workshop was to review the SLIMPA Management Plan 2020 – 2024 developed by the PIPA Implementing Office (PIO).

Following the Government of Kiribati’s (GoK) approval, SLIMPA, which consist of Flint, Volstok, Starbuck, Malden and Millennium islands north of French Polynesia, will be a no-take Marine Protected Area (MPA) like the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA).

TAK was invited to review the tourism plan in the SLIMPA Management plan. Through the workshop, TAK outlined its recommendations for sustainable tourism in SLIMPA which focuses on maintaining a balance between revenue generation and marine line conservation.

The location of the islands between Kiritimati and Papeete makes SLIMPA a suitable stop over destination for cruise vessels travelling to Papeete from North America. In addition, the islands boast a collection of rare bird species and abundant sea life, suitable for birdwatchers and diving enthusiasts.

The workshop was also attended by representatives from various government departments  and organizations including the Attorney General’s Office, Kiribati Police Service, Kiribati Oil Company, Kiribati Tourism Authority, Kiribati Airport Authority, Public Utilities Board, Kiribati Solar Energy, Kiribati National Shipping Co. Ltd, Kiribati Chamber of Commerce and Air Kiribati.

Tourism included in Year 9 KCS Syllabus

Tourism topics have for the first time become part of the school syllabus in Kiribati. This was confirmed by the Curriculum Development Office (CDO) who have stated that the tourism topic is now part of the Year 9 Kiribati Community Studies (KCS).

The inclusion of tourism topics in the year 9 syllabus is a result of extensive consultation and discussions between the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) and the CDO in 2019.

This milestone achievement signifies the commitment of both TAK and the CDO to help students understand the dynamics of how the tourism industry functions, its value and contribution to communities and the economy.  TAK hopes that by understanding tourism better, students will consider careers in hospitality and will also be engaged in practices that help improve Kiribati’s position as an ideal tourism destination.

TAK will continue to collaborate with the CDO to encourage increased tourism coverage in school curriculum across different grades. END

President declares a public state of emergency for Kiribati

Honourable President Taneti Maamau declared Kiribati in a state of public emergency on Thursday 26 March 2020.

President Maamau confirmed that Kiribati was declared among other Pacific Islands to be in a state of emergency of COVID-19. He expressed that the alarming number of people infected with the pandemic around the world puts Kiribati in a very vulnerable state.

Kiribati is currently on Level 2 alert after a passenger displayed mild symptoms of the COVID-19 flu a week ago. The individual is currently self-isolating at his family home.

In his address, President Maamau strongly advised that the public observe all COVID-19 control measures announced by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS). These include minimizing public gatherings, maintaining the recommended 2 meters social distancing practice and a 20 seconds hand-wash after touching anything.


TAK Participates in the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment of Butaritari Island

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) was part of the World Health Organisation (WHO) funded Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) in Butaritari from 22-29 March 2020. The team visited all the villages to discuss and assess the vulnerability issues experienced by people and the main objective of the survey was to identify climate change challenges experienced by the local people of Butaritari.

The IVA team consisted of officers from different sectors of government including the Fisheries Division, the Agricultural Division, the Tourism Authority, Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Environment and Conservation Division, Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Cooperation and the Kiribati Island Local Government Association (KILGA).

The team complete the IVA survey and also conducted their individual sector activities which will be incorporated into the final report of the IVA of Butaritari.

TAK conducted the Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) at the four accommodations collecting data and information on the services and facilities provided by these properties. The accommodations were The Santa Theresa Guesthouse (at the Vatican), the Island Council Guesthouse, Nei Tebon Guesthouse and the Sunset Lodge.

The TBIS was followed by the GPS mapping and plotting of these properties and other tourism-related sites (eg, shrines, historical monuments, churches, clinics). This will allow for the development of a detailed map which will serve as a travel guide to both locals and international visitors.

Buatritari island is very fertile and has an abundant fruits (especially bananas), vegetables and crops which are difficult to grow on other islands. Its people have a unique accent which is easily recognizable by all locals and most of the Butaritari guesthouses are made of traditional material with a few made of concrete.

The IVA concluded with a council meeting where the mayor, Te Kinati (Unimwaane or elderly men), clerk, island councilors and the IVA team discussed the outcomes of the assessment. TAK also had the opportunity to provide updates and recommendations on the preparations for the cruise ship arrival scheduled for the 05 November at Notururu islet previously known as Bikaati islet.

TAK participates in the Regional Tourism Statistic workshop

Kiribati was represented by TAK at the workshop held in Nadi Fiji, from 10th-13th March with the goal of developing a regional tourism statistics strategy as well as a regional sustainable tourism framework for the Pacific.

The first 2 days of the workshop aimed at validating the findings from a regional assessment of tourism statistical systems and getting feedback from the countries on the recommendations and actions to improve tourism statistical systems at regional and national level.

The assessment was carried out by PARIS21 – a global partnership of statistics experts and policy makers seeking to improve evidence-based decision making in developing countries in collaboration with the Pacific Tourism Organisation. The assessment was carried out in October and November of 2019 and the draft report was presented for validation at the workshop.

The last 2 days of the workshop aimed at obtaining stakeholder feedback on the long-term vision and priorities that will underpin the development of a regional sustainable tourism framework for the Pacific.

The outcomes from the workshops will be endorsed at the SPTO Board of Directors meeting later in the year.

Representatives from 11 SPTO-member National Tourism Organizations and selected National Statistics Offices were present at the workshop along with 6 partners which include PARIS21, the Asian Development Bank, The Pacific Community, the United Nations Development Programme (Pacific Office, Suva), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Australia Pacific Training Coalition.

The workshop was jointly funded by PARIS21, SPTO, the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and APTC.

Nikunau Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) and Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS)

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) participated in the whole island approach-Integrated Vulnerability Assessment of Nikunau from 24 February – 04 Match 2020. The objective of the mission was to assess the vulnerabilities of the island and to collect IVA data of the impacts of climate change on the island of Nikunau. The program was coordinated by the Climate Change Office under the Office of the President and funded by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

A total of 6 villages were visited and as well as 2 communities in Nikumanu and 3 communities in Rungata.

The survey questions focused on the ecosystem, infrastructure, finance, human resources and institution or governance; forest health, coastal health, water security, security of place, energy security, income security, community health and food security. All responses were recorded in the fulcrum-based app on tablets supplied by the Office of te Beretitenti.

Whilst in the island, TAK staff officer undertook a Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) conducted on the island which involved the database update of accommodation providers on Nikunau and  GPS (Global Positioning System) of accommodation, historical sites, churches and other points of interest in the island. The two accommodation providers in the island are the Catholic Parish Guesthouse and the KUC Tabutoa Guesthouse.

All information gathered will be used by TAK to help promote tourism development on the island.