Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK hosts Pinktober Awareness

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) completed the month of October by hosting a morning tea for its staffs to raise awareness on breast cancer on Friday 29 October 2022.

Every year in October, countries all around the world celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, known to many as “Pinktober.” There are many campaigns held by women’s health charities and community organizations that shed light on the prevailing issue and TAK has this year decided to do the same for its employees.

The event began with a breast cancer awareness presentation from the Ministry of Health & Medical Services (MHMS). This was followed by a presentation from I-Kiribati cancer survivor, Nei Lita Iabeta who’s first encounter with breast cancer began 23 years ago.

Nei Lita shared a personal account of her journey with breast cancer, highlighting the challenges she faced when first diagnosed, her experience with treatments and surgery and the support she received from her family and friends. She also expressed how her faith had a huge part to play throughout her experience. Whilst she has not been medically cleared of cancer, Nei Lita continues to live life to the fullest with a positive attitude and sharing her experience in the hope that it helps other women in her community.

In both presentations, TAK staffs were reminded of the importance of understanding the early detection and symptoms of breast cancer. The presenters also shared the value of a well-balanced diet and how an active lifestyle can also help reduce the impact of breast cancer.

The event concluded with a sumptuous morning tea themed to suit the occasion.

Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Development Policy Framework Launched

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) launched the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Development Policy Framework (KSTDPF)during their UNWTO World Tourism Day celebration on Monday 27 September 2021.

In presenting the document, TAK CEO, Petero Manufolau shared that the KSTDPF frames Kiribati’s sustainable tourism goals with the aim to achieve a suitable balance between the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts of tourism to guarantee its long-term sustainability.

He added that the framework draws from the of aspirations of the Kiribati 20 Year Vision (KV20), the recommendations of the Pacific Sustainability Tourism Policy Framework 2021 (PSTPF), and the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)/United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Journey to 2030.

With 7 sustainable goals, the KSTDPF is integrated across other policy areas and discusses a set of priorities required to achieve each of these goals. It recommends that these priorities utilise Kiribati’s existing policies and legislations that address the core principles of environmental, socio-cultural, and economic development and to guide the ongoing development and management of tourism post COVID-19.

These goals include the commitment that tourism must protect the natural environment, it must preserve Kiribati’s cultural and historical heritage, promote community & social well-being, guarantee visitor satisfaction, health, and safety, contribute to national economic prosperity, inspire green entrepreneurship and to influence effective leadership.

The policy interventions recommended in the framework is consistent with existing international, regional, and national policies, strategies, and targets and is a result of extensive consultation and collaboration with key public and private sector partners in Kiribati and the region.  These consultations have been important to the formulation of a set of priorities and action recommendations required to fulfil each of the 7 goals of the KSTDPF.

TAK believes the COVID-19 has presented Kiribati with the excellent opportunity for a smart and safe restart to tourism and that the goals and priorities of the framework will assist the organisation in helping fulfil its KV20 obligation for sustainable tourism development by 2036.