Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Tourism Kiribati unveils new Mauri Mark Program

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) unveiled the new Mauri Mark Program during their World Tourism Day celebration on Monday 27 September 2021.

The Mauri Mark program is Kiribati’s new rating system for tourism accommodation, restaurant & bars, small leisure crafts and activity/ tour operators. The program will involve the annual assessment of tourism businesses based on a set of pre-determined criteria and the subsequent allocation of rates based on scores achieved.

Under the accommodation rating, hotels and lodges will be assessed based on business operations, fire safety procedures, health and hygiene standards, safety & maintenance, facilities and in-room amenities, environmental sustainability practices and guest support service.

In presenting the program, TAK CEO, Petero Manufolau invited accommodation providers to use the program as an opportunity to improve quality and service delivery, particularly as the country prepares for international border reopening in January 2022. He acknowledged that change will not happen overnight but emphasized that programs such as the Mauri Mark will positively contribute to their vision for a sustainable tourism destination by 2036.

Once assessed, accommodation providers will be rated from 1 to 3plus coconuts. Properties will be awarded rating certificates and Mauri Mark badges which they can display on site or use in their marketing collaterals as an indicator of service and quality guests can expect.

TAK will undertake awareness training and will guide tourism operators on Mauri Mark standards compliance between October and December 2021 with assessments scheduled to begin in January 2022. Visitors to Kiribati from January 2022 should therefore be able to book hotels and lodges based on these new Mari Mark coconut ratings.

Click HERE for more information of the Mauri Mark Program




Tourism Restart Training in Tabiteuea North

The island of Tabiteuea is an interesting place to visit not only for its natural beauty but also for its history. Bones and skull of a well-known warrior of Tabiteuea island, named Kourabi, is well kept and looked after by villagers of Buota until today. The story of Ten Nnabakana (stone warriors) erected between Teabuaeroa and Biken-te-Inai Islet, are still standing today.

From 01 – 10 September 2021, The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) visited Tabiteuea North to conduct trainings for Tabiteuea North and South tourism operators as part of its tourism restart program.

The 2 weeks training program included the Kiribati Tourism and Hospitality Protocols for the New Normal. This is compliance training designed to assist accommodation providers understand and deliver on the health and hygiene requirements of post COVID-19 travel. The protocol training concluded with the provision of hand sanitiser and face masks to all participating accommodation providers.

TAK also conducted an awareness session on the Mauri Mark Accommodation accreditation program which will be implemented from January 2022. In the session, accommodation providers were briefed on the Mauri Mark assessment guidelines and how ratings can help elevate the profile of their business and complement their marketing activities.

To help with preparations for international border reopening in January 2022, TAK also conducted tour guiding, service excellence, housekeeping and baking training. Participation to these sessions were extended to members of the island’s tourism potential communities.

The team from TAK also conducted consultations on the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Development Policy Framework whilst in Tabiteuea North.