Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Kiribati signs Pacific Leader’s Sustainable Tourism Commitment

Kiribati’s Minister for Tourism, Commerce, Industry and Cooperative (MTCIC), Honourable Bootii Nauan affirmed his country’s obligation to sustainable tourism development when he signed the Pacific Leaders Sustainable Tourism Commitment in Tarawa this morning.

This regional commitment by the Pacific Council of Tourism Ministers commits to elevate sustainable tourism as a regional priority for environmental, socio-cultural and economic development. The Council further commits to make tourism in the Pacific a force for good by adopting the Pacific Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework to put the tourism sector and communities on a path to sustainable recovery by 2030.

In signing this commitment, Hon. Nauan said that “this is a step forward in the right direction for us as we meticulously work to map Kiribati’s tourism development journey based on the core values of resilience and sustainability”. He added that Kiribati is a pristine destination that is deeply rooted in rich cultural values and must ensure that these are preserved through tourism.

Kiribati’s commitment to sustainable tourism development is framed in the country’s Sustainable Tourism Development Policy Framework developed in 2021. The framework provides the platform for the development of sustainability indicators for the destination in 2022 and its National Sustainable Tourism Policy scheduled for early 2023.

Hon, Nauan will lead his delegation later this month to formally submit its commitment at the Council of Tourism Ministers meeting and Pacific Sustainable Tourism Leadership Summit in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.

TAK Officers complete Destination Resilience Training 

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) Senior Tourism Officer Research & Statistics Mr, Nemani Tebana and Product Development Officer Ms. Kiarake Karuaki participated in the “Enhancing Climate Resilience in Tourism in the Pacific” training from 24 January – 18 February 2022

The 4-weeks online training program was delivered under the Project for Capacity Building on Climate Resilience in the Pacific at the Pacific Climate Change Centre (CBCRP-PCCC) in partnership with the Government of Samoa, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in collaboration with the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO).

The aims of the training program were to enhance the understanding of risks of climate change impacts on the tourism sector; to enhance the understanding of tangible options and actions of the tourism sector to respond to the impacts of climate change; to present good practices of case studies and projects on resilient and low carbon operation of tourism sector implemented in the Pacific; and to develop skills to prepare logical frameworks to support implementation of recovery plans.

The training has provided the two officers with practical knowledge on the development of logical frameworks related to mitigation and/or adaptation activities for tourism. Mr Tebana and Ms Karuaki will also use their new skills in the development and implementation of the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Policy and Strategy 2022 – 2025.