Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK Supports Abemama ‘Tania ni Maeu’ By-law

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) participated in the Tania ni Maeu By-law consultation in Abemama in November 2021. Led by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), the Tania ni Maeu By-law is part of the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) project aims to assist Abemama sustain its resources from exploitation and envisages to regenerate and safeguard the natural and cultural resources of the island.

TAK used the consultation as an opportunity to highlight the benefits of ecotourism to Abemama communities and how the Tania ni Maeu By-law will help contribute to the sustainable development of tourism on the island.

The consultation also included representatives from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Cooperative (MCIC), Ministry of Fisheries and Resources Development (MFRD), Ministry of Environment, Land & Agricultural Development (MELAD) and Office of the Attorney General (OAG).