Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Abemama hotels undergo Business Fundamentals Training

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted the Tourism Business Fundamentals training for Abemama tourism operators on 23 November 2021 at the Green Eco Hotel in Kariatebike, Abemama.

The training is a response to the tourism business operators needs assessment survey conducted by earlier in 2021. Topics covered in the training included pre and post covid-19 trends in tourism, tourism product development and marketing, human resources management, and the importance of community engagement for tourism business operators.

Six (6) tourism operators participated in this one-day training workshop. These included Green Eco Hotel, Island Council Guesthouse, Terineraoi community in Reina Village, Baretoa village which supports ecotourism package.  Saint Anthony Parish Hotel and Abatiku will undergo separate training in the coming days.

The Tourism Business Fundamentals training is part of TAK’s Tourism Restart Program, where TAK is preparing tourism operators for a smart and sustainable restart to tourism.  Similar trainings will be conducted in the other islands in the Gilbert group and as well as Tabuaeran and Teraina in the Line Islands.