Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Tourism Authority of Kiribati Acknowledges Valuable Contribution of International Volunteers.

As the world celebrate International Volunteers Day this week, the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) extends its gratitude to the dedicated remote volunteers from the Australia Volunteers International (AVI) and New Zealand’s Volunteer Services Abroad (VSA) for their invaluable contributions to the organization.

Over the years, TAK has been fortunate to collaborate with AVI and VSA, whose remote volunteers have played a pivotal role in advancing TAK’s mission of promoting sustainable tourism development in Kiribati. The collaboration has enabled the successful implementation of key initiatives aimed at enhancing tourism in Kiribati.

In 2021, TAK partnered with AVI to develop the organization’s Digital Marketing Strategy, a milestone that significantly boosted TAK’s online presence and outreach.

Looking towards the future, in 2023, TAK is excited to be working alongside VSA to develop the ‘Mauri Way’, a Tourism & Hospitality Customer Service Program. This program aims to elevate the hospitality standards in Kiribati, ensuring a positive and memorable experience for visitors. The collaboration reflects the dedication of international volunteers to sharing their expertise and knowledge to uplift the local tourism industry.

During the International Volunteer Day celebration hosted by the New Zealand High Commission and VSA, TAK’s CEO, Petero Manufolau, expressed gratitude for the volunteers’ exceptional support. He stated, “TAK is grateful for the support of volunteers who generously give up their time to impart their knowledge and skills, contributing significantly to strengthening capacity within our organization.” Mr. Manufolau emphasized that, “against limited budgetary constraints, crucial work by TAK could not have been accomplished without the invaluable support from international volunteers.”

TAK recognizes the efforts of all volunteers who have played a crucial role in fostering sustainable tourism development in Kiribati. Their dedication and expertise, creating a positive effect on the local communities and economy. TAK encourages stakeholders to join in acknowledging and appreciating the global community of volunteers whose commitment contributes to positive change around the world.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Kiribati Digital Marketing Training Workshop

Kiribati Tourism operators, government agencies, and stakeholders in Tarawa and nearby outer islands have committed to digital transformation by participating in the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) Pacific Digital Champions training program under the Digital Transformation Project (Phase 2) on 29-30 August 2023.

Workshop participants commended the 2-day digital training, recognizing its relevance to industry demands. The training was led by digital consultant Tasneem Hussain, who helped participants learn the basics of digital marketing, how to use digital tools to create and manage their online presence, including social media marketing, and content marketing.

Land & Marine Transport Agency Benaata Webb commended the two-day workshop as it highlighted the vital role of diverse social media platforms in propelling business development and encouraging more client engagement. “It’s interesting to know about the many social media platforms and the different audiences they cater to. This will definitely boost our business and help us engage with clients.”

Karianako James Media Officer from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resource Development (MFMRD) mentioned that his key takeaway from the workshop was on search engine optimisation. “Embracing SEO is like embracing visibility, accessibility, and relevance in the digital realm. If you can grasp the dynamics of SEO you are able to unlock a space of possibilities in the interconnected web of information.”

Kiribati Institute of Technology (KIT) trainer Rosie King Kumkee stated that the workshop was an eye-opener for her, especially using digital marketing tools like artificial intelligence that could assist in writing out social media posts or other documents, however, there was a need to tread carefully on the information produced by these AI. “I learned a lot from the workshop, especially about the potential of artificial intelligence to assist with digital marketing tasks. However, I think it’s important to be aware of the limitations of AI, and to always double-check the information that it produces.”

Aligned with the SPTO Digital Strategy, the Pacific Digital Champions training program aims to empower individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital landscape successfully.
In acknowledging the positive feedback from participants, Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) CEO Petero Manufolau commended SPTO in facilitating the workshop across its member countries and the New Zealand Government in providing funding to host these workshops.

“We are committed to digital transformation in the tourism sector, and this training program is an important step in that journey. Participants are all eager to learn how to use digital technologies to promote their business and Kiribati as a tourism destination. This training program will help us to develop the skills and knowledge we need to use digital technologies to sustainably grow tourism in Kiribati”.

He added that “In this day and age of digital connectivity, it is important for tourism businesses, government agencies, and tertiary institutions to understand the various platforms and tools available to them. This is especially true for small island states like Kiribati. We look forward to seeing the positive impact it has on tourism and other related sectors in Kiribati.”

The activity was funded by the New Zealand Government through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZMFAT) and Kiribati now joins other Pacific Island destinations that have completed this training. Wave Two training will continue virtually until December 31, 2023.

Marketing Survey to Accommodation Providers in North Tarawa

TAK marketing team returned from a 2-day survey to tourism operators in North Tarawa. The focus of the survey was on digital marketing promotion where it identifies tourism accommodation operators who need TAK support and assistance in website development for their properties. This initiative helps tourism accommodation operators enhance their online digital presence and promotion of their holiday products as well as contribute to destination marketing and preparation before Kiribati fully opens its border to international travel.

TAK also consulted with the North Tarawa tourism operators on enhancing their business from domestic tourism through the resumption of the Mauri Experience marketing campaign.  The campaign helps the operators promote any special deals that they can offer to the domestic population on South Tarawa to generate business from work retreats, family and friend holidays or special events.  The resumption of this Mauri Experience campaign comes in effect as North Tarawa recently reopened its borders to South Tarawa permitting just 20 guests per accommodation property at a time. Visitors must be certified and fully Covid-19 vaccinated before travelling to North Tarawa and they must comply with standard health measures including mask wearing and social distancing.

The team also took to the time to familiarize with any new developments or improvements that the operators have made during the lock down stage.

TAK Launches 3-Year Digital Marketing Strategy

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) launched 3-year digital marketing strategy during their World Tourism Day celebration on Monday 27 September 2021.

In her presentation, Senior Tourism Marketing officer, Ms. Sarah Teetu shared that the aim of the 3-year strategy is to implement effective destination marketing and promotion initiatives and position Kiribati as the leading emerging Island destination of the Pacific.  The formulation of the strategy was guided by the Tourism Authority’s Strategic Plan, the Kiribati Tourism and Hospitality protocols for the New Normal and the 2019 International Visitors Survey report.  The plan envisions to help influence economic growth, social development, and environmental well-being in Kiribati through sustainable tourism.

The strategy has been designed to be both flexible and sustainable- while delivering further growth in international tourism. Ms. Teetu expressed that the strategy will support the industry across all the Islands of Kiribati and help address the issues of capacity and influence the delivery of memorable visitor experience. She added that the strategy is built on a set of sustainable destination digital marketing principles.

TAK acknowledged the technical assistance provided by Gold Cost based digital marketing expert, Ms Kylie Peterson, through Australia Volunteers International program funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.