Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Tourism Authority of Kiribati Acknowledges Valuable Contribution of International Volunteers.

As the world celebrate International Volunteers Day this week, the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) extends its gratitude to the dedicated remote volunteers from the Australia Volunteers International (AVI) and New Zealand’s Volunteer Services Abroad (VSA) for their invaluable contributions to the organization.

Over the years, TAK has been fortunate to collaborate with AVI and VSA, whose remote volunteers have played a pivotal role in advancing TAK’s mission of promoting sustainable tourism development in Kiribati. The collaboration has enabled the successful implementation of key initiatives aimed at enhancing tourism in Kiribati.

In 2021, TAK partnered with AVI to develop the organization’s Digital Marketing Strategy, a milestone that significantly boosted TAK’s online presence and outreach.

Looking towards the future, in 2023, TAK is excited to be working alongside VSA to develop the ‘Mauri Way’, a Tourism & Hospitality Customer Service Program. This program aims to elevate the hospitality standards in Kiribati, ensuring a positive and memorable experience for visitors. The collaboration reflects the dedication of international volunteers to sharing their expertise and knowledge to uplift the local tourism industry.

During the International Volunteer Day celebration hosted by the New Zealand High Commission and VSA, TAK’s CEO, Petero Manufolau, expressed gratitude for the volunteers’ exceptional support. He stated, “TAK is grateful for the support of volunteers who generously give up their time to impart their knowledge and skills, contributing significantly to strengthening capacity within our organization.” Mr. Manufolau emphasized that, “against limited budgetary constraints, crucial work by TAK could not have been accomplished without the invaluable support from international volunteers.”

TAK recognizes the efforts of all volunteers who have played a crucial role in fostering sustainable tourism development in Kiribati. Their dedication and expertise, creating a positive effect on the local communities and economy. TAK encourages stakeholders to join in acknowledging and appreciating the global community of volunteers whose commitment contributes to positive change around the world.

Abemama Ecotourism Communities Prepare for Tourism Restart

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) carried out the Tourism Restart program to Abemama Ecotourism communities as part of the preparation for a safe, secure and sustainable border reopening on the island of Abemama.

The program consists of a week training to active ecotourism communities of Reina, Baretoa community, and Ainen Wiikin Abemama on areas of Revenue management and Tourism business fundamentals. The overall objective of this one-week training is to guide these communities to improve their business initiatives and service offering through understanding of how to maximise and manage their revenue, compliance to Mauri mark standards, human resource development initiatives, customer service, market analysis and marketing and promotions of their tourism products and services.

TAK also had the opportunity to train these communities on the Covid-19 tourism and hospitality protocols to ensure health safety measures are practiced when the border opens.

The training was supported by the Kiribati LDCF-1 Project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented under the Environment and Conservation Division (ECD) with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

TAK Officers complete Destination Resilience Training 

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) Senior Tourism Officer Research & Statistics Mr, Nemani Tebana and Product Development Officer Ms. Kiarake Karuaki participated in the “Enhancing Climate Resilience in Tourism in the Pacific” training from 24 January – 18 February 2022

The 4-weeks online training program was delivered under the Project for Capacity Building on Climate Resilience in the Pacific at the Pacific Climate Change Centre (CBCRP-PCCC) in partnership with the Government of Samoa, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in collaboration with the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO).

The aims of the training program were to enhance the understanding of risks of climate change impacts on the tourism sector; to enhance the understanding of tangible options and actions of the tourism sector to respond to the impacts of climate change; to present good practices of case studies and projects on resilient and low carbon operation of tourism sector implemented in the Pacific; and to develop skills to prepare logical frameworks to support implementation of recovery plans.

The training has provided the two officers with practical knowledge on the development of logical frameworks related to mitigation and/or adaptation activities for tourism. Mr Tebana and Ms Karuaki will also use their new skills in the development and implementation of the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Policy and Strategy 2022 – 2025.

Tourism Restart Training in Tabiteuea North

The island of Tabiteuea is an interesting place to visit not only for its natural beauty but also for its history. Bones and skull of a well-known warrior of Tabiteuea island, named Kourabi, is well kept and looked after by villagers of Buota until today. The story of Ten Nnabakana (stone warriors) erected between Teabuaeroa and Biken-te-Inai Islet, are still standing today.

From 01 – 10 September 2021, The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) visited Tabiteuea North to conduct trainings for Tabiteuea North and South tourism operators as part of its tourism restart program.

The 2 weeks training program included the Kiribati Tourism and Hospitality Protocols for the New Normal. This is compliance training designed to assist accommodation providers understand and deliver on the health and hygiene requirements of post COVID-19 travel. The protocol training concluded with the provision of hand sanitiser and face masks to all participating accommodation providers.

TAK also conducted an awareness session on the Mauri Mark Accommodation accreditation program which will be implemented from January 2022. In the session, accommodation providers were briefed on the Mauri Mark assessment guidelines and how ratings can help elevate the profile of their business and complement their marketing activities.

To help with preparations for international border reopening in January 2022, TAK also conducted tour guiding, service excellence, housekeeping and baking training. Participation to these sessions were extended to members of the island’s tourism potential communities.

The team from TAK also conducted consultations on the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Development Policy Framework whilst in Tabiteuea North.

TAK conducts Tourism Business Fundamentals Training

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted its first Tourism Business Fundamentals training for North and South Tarawa tourism operators on 25 & 26 August 2021 at the Utirerei Hotel in Ambo, South Tarawa.

The training is a response to the tourism business operators needs assessment survey conducted by TAK in 2020. Topics covered included pre and post covid-19 trends in tourism, tourism product development and marketing, human resources management, and the importance of community engagement for tourism business operators.

12 tourism operators participated in this two-days training workshop including Betio Lodge, The George, Mary’s Motel, Fema Lodge, Utirerei Hotel, Tad’s Guest House, Tabontekeeke Ecolodge, Santa Faustina, Oceanview Hotel, Tarabuka Hideaway Lodge and Nemat Resort.

The Tourism Business Fundamentals training is part of TAK’s Tourism Restart Program, in which it is preparing operators for a smart and sustainable restart to tourism once borders reopen.  Similar trainings will be conducted in the other islands of the Gilbert group, Kiritimati Island and the Line Islands.