Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK released Abemama Island Tourism Perception Survey Report

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has released its report on the Outer Island Perception Survey (OIPS)for Abemama Island.

The survey was conducted to gauge islander’s perception on tourism development in Abemama and identify growth opportunities that TAK and relevant stakeholders could consider for the island destination.

Data were collected through a series of interviews with  locals in March 2021. The respondents’ ages ranged from 20-70 years with a gender split of 60% female and 40% male.

The survey measured income from tourism products sold as well as tourism activities and attractions that islanders felt were available to visitors.

This report also aims to identify any gaps in the tourism sector on Abemama and for TAK, the local island council and communities to work together to bridge these gaps and present Abemama to the world as a truly unique tourism destination.

This is the 3rd report of its kind after North Tarawa and Banaba and similar surveys will be conducted for other outer Gilbert islands.

TAK undertakes Tourism Perception Survey in Marakei

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati’s (TAK) Research & Statistics Division recently conducted a tourism scoping mission on the island of Marakei, to ascertain potential for tourism development. The island is located just a 20-minute flight from Bonriki International Airport.

In addition to consultation with government officials and council members, TAK used the scoping mission to carry out an Outer Islands Perceptions Survey (OIPS) in the island’s 8 villages. The aim of the OIPS is to gauge the islander’s perceptions on tourism and to understand how they feel towards the vision of tourism positively adding value to the island’s economic, socio-cultural, and natural environment. The survey also aims to identify tourism perception gaps at the community level and the results will be used as a guide by TAK and relevant stakeholders that plan to undertake tourism development initiatives on the island.

Whilst on Marake, TAK also conducted a Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) with the two accommodation providers on the island; Rawannawi Catholic Parish Guesthouse and the Island Council Guesthouse. The TBIS survey is an important means for TAK to gather operational information from accommodation providers to assist the organisation in its marketing and promotions, training, and product development programme.

The team also conducted the GPS mapping of historical sites, shrines and other tourism attractions which will be incorporated in the island’s new tourism map.

TAK explores eco-tourism opportunities on Marakei

Situated 70km north west of Tarawa, the island of Marakei is the only enclosed atoll in the Gilbert group of Islands in Kiribati. The island is well-known for its babai (swamp taro) and its local oyster, te rabino while the people of Marakei are celebrated for their traditional dancing skills such as the te bino and te kaimatoa.

The relative proximity of Marakei to Bonriki International Airport, the urban centres of South Tarawa, its rich cultural history and unique island geography presents the island with the potential for ecotourism development.

To explore these potentials, the Product Development team of the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) undertook a scoping mission on the island in early May 2021.

In collaboration with the Marakei Island Council, TAK conducted an ecotourism awareness consultation and presentation to all its councillors and community representatives. This was met with enthusiasm with the councillors agreeing to the establishment of a Marakei Tourism Development Committee. Once formalised, the committee will work with TAK to deliver tourism product development, capacity building, and marketing and promotion for the island.

Whilst on Marakei, TAK also used the opportunity to update the island’s two accommodation providers on the progress of the revamped Mauri Mark Accredication Program. The revamped Mauri Mark Accreditation Program will be the national tourism business quality accreditation program for Kiribati. This program will rate accommodation, restaurant and bars, tourism leisure crafts and dive operators based on their compliance to relevant industry safety and service standards.

Online Survey Design Workshop for TAK

The New Zealand Tourism Research Institute (NZTRI) conducted the first of a series of capacity building workshops on online surveys for the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) on Wednesday 07 April 2021. The workshop follows the inclusion of Kiribati in phase two of the New Zealand MFAT- funded Pacific Tourism Data Initiative (PTDI).  

The goal of the PTDI is to increase evidence-based tourism decision making in the Pacific with a view to strengthening sustainable economic development. 

The workshop was conducted via zoom by Professor Simon Milne,  Director at the NZTRI. It focused on the International Visitors Survey (IVS) and how it can be implemented as an online survey. The workshop participants were shown examples from other Pacific island surveys and best practices in the region. 

The workshop was attended by TAK officers on Tarawa and Kiritimati and they were joined by the Research & Planning Unit team of the Ministry of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development (MICTTD).

Tourism Surveys on Abemama

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted its Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS), Outer Island Perception Survey (OIPS) and an update of the tourism map for the island of Abemama earlier in March 2021.

TAK conducted the TBIS to update the accommodations and tourism operators’ database.  Data collected included operators’ services and facilities, location, contact details, climate change impact on their operations and waste management challenges.

The OIPS on the other hand was a means for the TAK to determine locals’ perceptions on tourism, in particular its environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts.

The OIPS was conducted in the villages of Kabangaki, Tebwanga, Bangotan te Kabwaia, Kariatebike, Tabontebike, Reina, Baretoa, Tekatirirake, Tanimainiku and Tabiang.

The tourism map of Abemama was updated using GPS to plot locations of new or previously unmapped tourism sites. Among the new sites were historical sites and idols in Kenna, part of Kabangaki village at the southern end of the island and on Biike islet. The updated map will allow visitors to locate accommodations and tourism sites on the island.

The outcomes of the surveys and mapping on Abemama will be used by TAK to assist in planning activities and programs for the development of Tourism on the island and will be shared with relevant stakeholders. Once finalised, a full report will be available in the Resource Centre on the TAK corporate website.

The surveys will also be carried out in other islands throughout 2021.

This trip was supported by LDCF-1 project, funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented under the Environment and Conservation division with the support of the United Nations Development Programme.


Seeking Tourism Opportunities for Banaba

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted an exploratory mission to the island of Banaba on 21 and 22 February 2021 to evaluate tourism opportunities for the island. The mission was conducted by CEO, Petero Manufolau and Senior Research and Statistics Officer, Nemani Tebana.

Better known as a former phosphate mining island until 1979, Banaba is Kiribati’s westernmost island with a total land area of 6.0 km2 and its highest point is also the highest point in Kiribati at 81 metres.

The mission included guided tour to Te Bangabanga, the Sacred Cave of Banaba, and visits to other historical sites on the island including the Sir Albert. F. Ellis monument, WWll Japanese slaughtering area, old hospital, islands football and cricket field and the remains of colonial homes that once dominated the islands real estate.

The site visits was followed by meeting with Banaba MP Tibanga Taratai and the Rabi Council of Leaders (RCL) Island Manager Malosi Kapati to discuss opportunities for tourism development on the island. It was agreed that TAK will work with the Island Council and the RCL to develop a working group that will seek our opportunities for tourism to Banaba.

TAK will develop the Terms of Reference for the working group and will be open to contributions from stakeholders on how tourism can help create economic opportunities for the island.

TAK undertakes Survey on Banaba

The Research & Statistics Division of TAK recently visited the raised island of Banaba to update the tourist map of the island and roll out the new Kiribati Outer Islands Perceptions Survey which was piloted on North Tarawa in January. Banaba is the second island on which the survey has been conducted.

A total of 18 responses were gathered from ages ranging from 22 – 65 years.

The survey results examine how the locals feel about tourism and whether or not they see any benefit from the industry.

Banaba is very unique in that it is the only raised island in Kiribati and was once famous for its phosphate deposits. The rich history is still evident today with the old colonial-style homes, playgrounds, pavements, roads and mining equipment which makes Banaba island stand out from the rest of Kiribati.

The survey results will assist TAK gauge the locals’ readiness to embrace sustainable tourism development.

Tourism Business Inventory Survey

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted Tourism Business Inventory Surveys in Kiritimati and South Tarawa in February.

This is part of TAK’s yearly program to update information from accommodation providers including number of beds available, staff training needs, accommodation services, facilities and contact information to be updated on TAK’s information platforms.

New information gathered will help build a stronger destination portfolio of updated information for tourism operators in Kiribati, particularly now as TAK works towards safely restarting international tourism once borders reopen.

Tourism Business Inventory Surveys will be continuing in Abemama and the rest of the Gilbert group in March and April 2021.

South Tarawa Mauri Mark Consultations

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) visited all accommodation operators on South Tarawa on 17 and 18 February 2021 and conducted one to one consultation on the revised Kiribati National Tourism Mauri Mark Standards Program.

This Mauri Mark program was initially introduced in 2008 for accommodation standard rating, has now been extended to include other tourism services such as Restaurant and Bars, Tourism Leisure Boats, Dive Operations, and an Industry wide customer service program known to be called Te Mauri Way.

Once consultations are complete, TAK will work with the relevant stakeholders to finalize the revised Mauri Mark standards guidelines and begin the compliance training for all tourism business operators.

Kiribati Tourism Q4 2020 Tourism Review Report

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati’s (TAK) 2020 Quarter 4 Tourism Review Report is now available in the Resource Centre of TAK’s corporate website.

The report contains domestic travel data and highlights maritime and air travel numbers, quarantine and repatriation information and domestic tourism supply for Kiribati.

The report highlights a 105.7% increase in maritime travel compared to the previous quarter, with Abaiang registering as the most visited island from South Tarawa by boat.

A 58% drop in domestic air travel was recorded in this quarter compared to the previous quarter, and Tabiteuea Meang registered the highest passenger traffic of 1448 visitors, due mainly to its position as a transit hub for the Southern Gilbert Islands.

The report also includes direct employment numbers in the tourism sector in Quarter 4, 2020.

With the absence of international visitors, the only inbound traffic for the quarter came from the 254 repatriated nationals and work permit holders.

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati is grateful to the following stakeholders and data providers; Air Kiribati Limited; Ministry of Health & Medical Services’ Ministry of Information, Communications, Transport & Tourism Development; and the local accommodation operators in providing the valuable data.

Click here for report.