Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Kiritimati Business Award Survey  

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) together with the Ministry of Industry & Cooperatives (MCIC) in Kiritimati Island conducted a Kiribati Business Survey to five of Kiritimati Accommodations on Thursday 15 October 2020.

Properties surveyed included the Village Hotel, Lagoon View Resort, Little Flower, Sunset Horizon Fishing Lodge and IKARI House. Due to the impact of COVID-19 on travel to Kiritimati, the survey criteria and questionnaire were altered to reflect the current status of accommodation business operations in Kiritimati

The survey measured each accommodation’s performance based in these new criteria where the highest achiever will be crowned winner Accommodation and Hospitality category in the 2020 Kiribati National Business Awards.

Kiritimati will hold its National Business awards on 28 December 2020.

TAK Kiritimati celebrates World Tourism Day

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati office in Kiritimati Island celebrated World Tourism Day for one week from the 21 to 25 September 2020. Part of the one-week program included trainings and awareness programs conducted by Ministry of Commerce & Industry Cooperative (MCIC), Ministry of Women, Youth, Sport & Social Affairs (MWYSSA), and Wildlife.

MCIC & MWYSA conducted trainings on Business Acts and Women empowerment from 21 to 22 September 2020, while a clean-up campaign organized by Wildlife & Conservation Division conducted on 24 September 2020.

Official celebration was held on Friday 25 September at the Millennium maneaba. The program included remarks from Officer in Charge for Line and Phoenix Office Mr. Bwereti Tewareka followed by the award of certificates and reference to the 20 participants of the Business Acts and Women Empowerment trainings and the award for third prize in the National Essay writing competition.

Invited guests included OIC for MLPID, tourism operators and accommodation providers, training participants, participating schools, and markers for essay writing competition, OIC for MHMS, and the WTD committee members.

TAK in Kiritimati Solid Waste management committee

The Kiritimati Solid Waste management committee which includes TAK conducted their meeting at Wildlife & Conservation Unit office on the 03 September 2020 was chaired by the Senior Environment inspector, Mr Ata Binoka.

The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss proposed work plans and activities for solid waste management. Chair Binoka stated that the Budget for the cleaning campaign program was now ready and stakeholders are requested to prepare their programs and budget related to Solid Waste Management to be compiled and sent to the Solid Waste management project office.

However, TAK’s programs and activities will focus on tourism awareness programs related to solid waste management and sustainable tourism development.

Kiritimati opens 2nd Medical Clinic

Kiritimati Island opened its 2nd medical clinic at Banana Village on Friday 17th 2020. This was part of the government project, built to accommodate an increase in population in Banana due to the newly relocated residents.

Banana is located 25km away (approximately 1-hour drive) from the main hospital.  with a growing population, and government sees the need to build another medical clinic to lessen the burden of having to travel long distances to receive medical attention. The clinic is also conveniently located next to Cassidy International airport and close to recreational sites (bird-watching and game fishing grounds.)

The official opening event was attended by the Honorable Minister Mikarite Temari and Mrs Faioa Temari along with the Heads of Departments of the Ministry of Lines, Phoenix Island Development.

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati welcomes this new development in Kiritimati as it believes that it will contribute to making the island tourism ready once international flights resume.

Kiritimati Mini- Trade show

Kiritimati Mini Trade Show is a new program included in this year’s independence celebration in Kiritimati Island, organized by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Cooperation branch in Kiritimati, and supported by the Ministry of Line and Phoenix Islands Development and the Tourism Authority of Kiribati in Kiritimati.

The event was held at the Mini Stadium in Ronton on Friday 10th July 2020 with more than ten vendors participating in selling of their different carved handicrafts, necklaces and bracelets made from shells, local hats, Mauri wear clothes just to name a few. Local produce such as vegetables, plants and fruits were also sold during the trade show. The event also includes a competition of different types of local meal courses provided.

In his opening remarks, Honorable Minister Mikarite Temari relay the importance of culture and how maintaining our traditional knowledge and skills will benefit all of us, socially, culturally and economically and for the future development of tourism in Kiritimati and Kiribati nation at large. He added that the government is supporting this initiative since it is part of the government pillar in its KV20 priorities on tourism development through cultural sustainability.

TAK Kiritimati Celebrates 1st Anniversary

TAK Kiritimati celebrated its first Anniversary as an authority on the 10th of June 2020 at the Ministry of Lines and Phoenix island common area.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Secretary assured everyone, the full support of the Ministry to sustainable tourism development and that plans had already been in place to address issues and challenges relating to tourism development. He added that littering is one major issue in Kiribati, and this plan or policy was also developed to address this issue.

Officer in Charge for TAK Kiritimati, Mr. Tekonaba Teburea, in his closing remarks, on behalf of the Board, CEO and all TAK staff thanked the government for its continuous support and assistance for the last 12 months. Mr. Teburea also had the opportunity to share with everyone, an overview on what TAK had achieved for this part 12 months.

New Maneaba Cultural Tourism in Kiritimati

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) joined the Kiritimati community at the opening ceremony of the “Tokanikai II” Kiribati Uniting Church Maneaba, in Poland, Christmas Island on 13th June 2020.

A Maneaba is a traditional Kiribati meeting house and is central to the island’s way of life. Its size reflects its importance to the community and are characterized with low extended roofs that require guests to bow when entering the Maneaba, as a sign of respect.

At the ceremony, TAK OIC, Tekonaba Teburea, acknowledged the importance of the Maneaba in Kiribati culture and encouraged the community to maintain and preserve it.

Mr Teburea also had the opportunity to create awareness on the importance of tourism in a community and its contribution to our socio-economic development.

The opening of ‘Tokanikai II’ was one of the biggest functions held in Poland, and was attended by officials from the Ministry of Line and the Phoenix Islands.


TAK Kiritimati through support from the Ministry of Line & Phoenix Islands Development conducted its Annual Tourism Awareness Program to all primary schools and Junior Secondary school between 29 April to 15 May 2020.

The main purpose of the awareness was to educate students on the importance and benefits of tourism in Kiritimati. The program targeted year 6 and year 9 students in the 3 primary schools and 1 Junior Secondary School.

The school awareness program coincides with the inclusion of tourism in the year 9 curriculum from 2020 and TAK will continue to look at other creative ways to engage students into thinking more seriously about tourism as a contributor to economic development and social well-being.

TAK will undertake more awareness programs during the upcoming Independence Day celebration and World Tourism Day.


The Ministry of Line & Phoenix Islands hosted a launching ceremony on Friday 1st May 2020, to mark the official completion of the New Integrated Land Use Plan for Kiritimati Island. Minister for the Line & Phoenix Hon. Mikarite Temari officiate this launching ceremony declaring the completion of this very important plan on behalf of the Government.

The Honourable Minister stressed the importance of this plan as a guideline for land use management to control, prevent and legislate such developments to refrain Kiritimati Island from confronting issues that is now currently been experienced by South Tarawa due to overpopulation and unplanned developments.

He added that the implementation of the plan would also help in achieving the Government vision for 20 years (KV20) on tourism developments.

With the plan confirming potential tourism sites, TAK Kiritimati will work with the Lands Division, Wildlife and Conservation Division, Fisheries and MLPID to regulate and manage these sites.

The event was also attended by the Mayor to Kiritimati Urban Council, Church leaders and communities on the island, Parliament representatives from Kiritimati and Teraina Islands and government officials. The program ended with a tour of the ILUP maps displayed on the notice board. END


26th May 2020: The Kiritimati Cleaning and Gardening Campaign is a new program developed by Senior officials of the Ministry of Line & Phoenix Islands Development, Government Agency Office’s (GAOs) and State Own Enterprises (SOEs) on Kiritimati island.

Supported by the Hon. Minister, this initiative encourages employees and the people of Kiritimati to learn and understand the purpose and significance of cleaning and gardening in the society.

The Kiritimati Cleaning and Gardening Campaign is led by 8 offices from different sectors in Kiritimati and SOEs. These include Tourism Authority of Kiribati, Immigration Office, Kiribati Insurance Corporation, Education Office, Kiribati Post Office, Tax Office, Customs Office and ANZ Bank of Kiribati at MLPID building complex block.

The program was established with the objective to help each other to maintain the front and back yard of the building complex block to be clean and green.

TAK Kiritimati also used this opportunity to clean and maintain visitor sites in London.

The program was implemented in early 2020 and is scheduled every Friday.