Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Tourism Business Inventory Survey

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted Tourism Business Inventory Surveys in Kiritimati and South Tarawa in February.

This is part of TAK’s yearly program to update information from accommodation providers including number of beds available, staff training needs, accommodation services, facilities and contact information to be updated on TAK’s information platforms.

New information gathered will help build a stronger destination portfolio of updated information for tourism operators in Kiribati, particularly now as TAK works towards safely restarting international tourism once borders reopen.

Tourism Business Inventory Surveys will be continuing in Abemama and the rest of the Gilbert group in March and April 2021.

North Tarawa Surveys

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted the Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) and the first-ever Kiribati Tourism Outer Islands Perceptions Survey in North Tarawa from 21 – 28 January 2021.

Managed by the Research & Statistics Division, the TBIS is used by TAK to collect data and relevant operations information on waste and energy management systems, climate change impact issues on their operations, and general services provided by lodges and resorts. A total of 7 accommodations providers were surveyed at the new NEMAT Resort.

Tourism Kiribati Outer Islands Perceptions Survey seek local’s perceptions on tourism including socio-economic and environmental impacts on their communities. Surveys were conducted in Buariki, Tearinibai, Nuatabu, Taratai, Nooto, Abaokoro, Kainaba, Nabeina, and Tabiteuea.

The outcome of the survey will be used by TAK to assist in planning activities and programs for each respective island and will also be shared with relevant stakeholders. A full report will be available in the Resource Centre on the TAK corporate website.

TAK will undertake the same surveys in other islands throughout 2021.

Abaiang Tourism Business Inventory Survey

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted a Tourism Business Inventory Survey from 10th – 13th December 2020 in Abaiang.

The main purpose of the survey was to collect and update TAK’s database on accommodations available, number of beds, staff training needs, along with the accommodation services, facilities, and contact information for all Abaiang tourism service providers.

The mission also included the cultural site mapping, plotting of historical sites and other sites and locations with the potential to attract visitors. Whilst in Abaiang, the TAK staffs also updated the organisation’s image library with photos of new developments and activities on the island.

New information gathered will help TAK build a stronger destination portfolio for Abaiang for the domestic market and international visitors once travel resumes.


Terau Beach Bungalow in Abaiang and Mary’s Motel in Bairiki scooped the top prizes for Best Accommodation Hospitality categories for the Outer Islands and South Tarawa respectively at the 2020 National Business Awards. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives (MCIC) on the 05 December 2020 at the National Sports complex in Bairiki.

Terau Beach Bungalow is a beachfront property that offers both traditional over water bungalows and biua accommodation. Located on the organic island of Abaiang, it is well-regarded for its staff’s welcoming attitude and the resort offers numerous activity and day trip options including a picnic tour to Teirio islet. TripAdvisor rates Terau Beach Bungalow at 5 out of 5.

Located in Bairiki, Mary’s Motel is a family-run operation and has been in business since 1990. What started as a 4 rooms and small restaurant establishment has now expanded to 15 units, fully operational restaurant, and meeting facilities for up to 15 people. Average reviews for Mary’s Motel on TripAdvisor rates the property at a 3.5 with location and service at 4 out of 5.

The selection was based on an independent online poll survey which measured properties on facilities, customer services and overall guest satisfaction.


The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is finalising the review on the Kiribati Mauri Mark Program.

The Mauri Mark was initially developed as Kiribati’s National Tourism Standards Programme for all visitor accommodations. Through the review, TAK has extended this standards program to include tourism enterprises such as restaurants and bars, tourism leisure crafts and dive operators. The revised Mauri Mark program will also include the Mauri Way, an industry wide customer service program.

Mauri Mark is designed to ensure high level of safety and security for our visitors and aims to improve overall visitor experience.

The program is based on the compliance standards developed in partnership with Kiribati’s Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS), Ministry of Fisheries and Marines Resources Development (MFMRD) and the Ministry of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development (MICTTD) and the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is mandated under the Tourism Act 2018 to manage this program.

TAK believes that once finalised and implemented, the Mauri Mark standards program will help in Kiribati’s post COVID-19 tourism recover strategy and guarantee improved product offerings to visitors when international travel resumes.

Mauri Mark awareness workshops and audits are scheduled to begin in August 2020.

Nikunau Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (IVA) and Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS)

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) participated in the whole island approach-Integrated Vulnerability Assessment of Nikunau from 24 February – 04 Match 2020. The objective of the mission was to assess the vulnerabilities of the island and to collect IVA data of the impacts of climate change on the island of Nikunau. The program was coordinated by the Climate Change Office under the Office of the President and funded by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

A total of 6 villages were visited and as well as 2 communities in Nikumanu and 3 communities in Rungata.

The survey questions focused on the ecosystem, infrastructure, finance, human resources and institution or governance; forest health, coastal health, water security, security of place, energy security, income security, community health and food security. All responses were recorded in the fulcrum-based app on tablets supplied by the Office of te Beretitenti.

Whilst in the island, TAK staff officer undertook a Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) conducted on the island which involved the database update of accommodation providers on Nikunau and  GPS (Global Positioning System) of accommodation, historical sites, churches and other points of interest in the island. The two accommodation providers in the island are the Catholic Parish Guesthouse and the KUC Tabutoa Guesthouse.

All information gathered will be used by TAK to help promote tourism development on the island.

Tourism Business Inventory Survey in North Tarawa

Tourism Survey at North Tarawa

Tourism Authority of Kiribati conducted the annual Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) of accommodations in North Tarawa on Thursday 19 March 2020.

The purpose of the survey was to collect and update information and data on facilities and services available in North Tarawa. The collected data is used to update TAK’s accommodation database which is a key source of accommodation information managed by the Research and Statistics Division.

Information and data collected from TBIS includes number of rooms, beds, staff count, facilities, amenities and activities provided by each property.

Nine (9) properties were surveyed on the day and they included the Ocean View Hotel, Moturerei Legend, Taborio Guesthouse, Eutan Buariki Guesthouse, Tarabuka Hideaway Guesthouse, Uaai Island Getaway, Tabuki Retreat, Santa Faustina Homestay and Tabon Te Keeke.

Surveyed properties range from locally built huts with open Kiakia (local raised house), meeting house (Maneaba) and concrete with local thatched roof.

The survey results showed that some properties had undertaken improvement works by providing more guest activities and upgraded/ renovated their rooms and Kiakia over the last 12 months.

North Tarawa properties are spread across the lagoon side of the atoll and have the comparative advantage of the beautiful lagoon views and its turquoise color and proximity to local communities.

Bakery Training for Tarawa Tourism Operators

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is undertaking bakery training for selected tourism operators on South Tarawa.

Conducted by Tourism Officer Ms Tikarerei Uriam, this complimentary training is part of TAK’s capacity building development program for hotels/accommodation kitchen staffs. Through this training, participants are encouraged and taught to support and enhance a variety of cakes and pastries to their customers.

Participants, through their employers, contribute to baking ingredients and other materials relevant to the training and training are conducted in their respective hotel. Accommodation providers participating in this training include the George Hotel, Fema Lodge, Utirerei Hotel and Dreamers.

The training began in December 2019 and it will be run until late January 2020. Each of these accommodations is scheduled to have three days of training with two baking recipes offered to them daily, thus a total recipe of six (6) baking recipes for each accommodation provider.

This training will conclude at the end of January 2020 and TAK looks forward to the improved patisserie experiences in South Tarawa.