Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

COVID-19 Protocol Monitoring and Evaluation Assessment in Kiritimati

The Tourism  Authority of Kiribati conducted a Covid-19 Protocol Monitoring and Evaluation assessment to tourism accommodation providers on the island of Kiritimati.

TAK consulted with tourism operations that are still in operation such as the Sunset Horizon Fishing Lodge, Ikari House, Dive and Fishing Adventure Lodge and The Villages Hotel to carry out the monitoring and evaluation. This type of assessment observes how the various hotel workers put to practice the Tourism Hospitality Covid Protocol which they have been trained and certified on since the end of 2021. TAK also used the opportunity to collect data on the PPEs available as part of the assessment.

TAK encouraged accommodation providers in Kiritimati Island to be consistent in their application of these important tourism protocol in their respective operations so that it ensures safety of visitors and hosts when the Kiritimati border opens.

Mauri Mark assessment in North Tarawa

A Mauri Mark Accommodation Standards assessment was carried out on North Tarawa tourism accommodations operators as part of the TAK Post COVID-19 Tourism Restart Program.

The Product & Development Manager Mr. Iataake King led the TAK team with a courtesy visit and briefing with the Eutan Tarawa Island council Mayor and Clerk before they headed off to visit the tourism accommodation providers at their respective locations starting from Buariki to Abatao village.

The accommodations were assessed based on the Mauri Mark Accommodation standards criteria of their facilities based on fire safety procedures, health hygiene standards, safety & maintenance, facilities and in-room amenities, environmental sustainability practices, and guest support service. Those operators that meet the minimum standards will be awarded with the Mauri Mark Certificates and allocated with the Mauri Mark coconut rating of 1 to 3 coconuts depending on their assessment results.

TAK encouraged these visitor accommodations to take this Mauri Mark Standards seriously to support the safety, security, and sustainability of their tourism products as well as assist in the promotion and marketing of their services to their target market.

Tourism Survey in North Tarawa

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati conducted its annual survey known as the Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS) in North Tarawa on the 25th and 26th of March. The primary objective of this survey is to update the TAK database of tourism operators and includes data such as services offered, available facilities, number of rooms, and number of employees to name a few.

This is part of TAK’s annual work plan to ensure our accommodation database is accurate and up to date. The data collected is strictly confidential and only the contact information or a combined summary of the businesses is shared with stakeholders and our regional and international partners.

The team surveyed 7 properties namely Tabon Tekeeke; Tabuki Retreat; Uaai Getaway; Bikennarara Resort; Nemat Resort; Tarabuka Hideaway and Ocean View.  Many of these accommodations are locally built comprising of overwater Buia and local huts.

The survey was conducted by the Research and Statistics Division team.

COVID-19 Protocol Compliance Assessment in North Tarawa

TAK’s Training and Development Unit carried out a Covid-19 Protocol compliance assessment to tourism accommodation providers in North Tarawa on 25-26th March, 2022.

The objective of the visit is to assess the tourism accommodation providers that participated in the Tourism and Hospitality COVID- 19 Protocol for the New Normal training that was conducted in June 2021 on South Tarawa. Accommodations visited included Nemat Resort, Tarabuka Hideaway, Ocean View Motel, Bikenarara Resort, Uaai Island Getaway, Tabuki Retreat and Tabontekeeke Eco Lodge.

The assessment was based on compliance of these tourism providers in terms of actual application of the Covid-19 protocols at their visitor accommodations, sharing of what they have learned to other work colleagues, consistency of practice.

TAK encouraged tourism accommodation providers on North Tarawa to maintain consistency of practice of this Tourism and Hospitality Protocol for a safe, secure, and sustainable tourism in Kiribati.

Marketing Survey to Accommodation Providers in North Tarawa

TAK marketing team returned from a 2-day survey to tourism operators in North Tarawa. The focus of the survey was on digital marketing promotion where it identifies tourism accommodation operators who need TAK support and assistance in website development for their properties. This initiative helps tourism accommodation operators enhance their online digital presence and promotion of their holiday products as well as contribute to destination marketing and preparation before Kiribati fully opens its border to international travel.

TAK also consulted with the North Tarawa tourism operators on enhancing their business from domestic tourism through the resumption of the Mauri Experience marketing campaign.  The campaign helps the operators promote any special deals that they can offer to the domestic population on South Tarawa to generate business from work retreats, family and friend holidays or special events.  The resumption of this Mauri Experience campaign comes in effect as North Tarawa recently reopened its borders to South Tarawa permitting just 20 guests per accommodation property at a time. Visitors must be certified and fully Covid-19 vaccinated before travelling to North Tarawa and they must comply with standard health measures including mask wearing and social distancing.

The team also took to the time to familiarize with any new developments or improvements that the operators have made during the lock down stage.

TAK hosts Digital Marketing Webinar

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in partnership with the Pacific Trade and Invest (PTI) Australia and World Hotel Link (WHL) hosted a digital marketing webinar for 16 hotel operators in from Tarawa, Abaiang and Kiritimati on Wednesday 21 October 2020.

The program is part of a series of Advanced Digital Tourism Webinars organised by PTI for tourism operators across the Pacific. There Kiribati webinars covered Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Content Marketing.

TAK acknowledged the value of such webinars and how they contribute to its capacity building initiatives for tourism operators during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CEO, Petero Manufolau said that the webinar highlighted the importance of digital marketing management to participating hotels. He added that to be successful, Kiribati tourism operators will need to fully embrace the requirements of this competitive digitised global tourism business environment and be willing to adapt to the new normal in travel and hospitality marketing.

Attendees appreciated the relevance of the webinar to their businesses and acknowledged that information gathered will be put to good use as they wait for international borders to open.

TAK and PTI will host second webinar on Distribution Strategies and Payment Solutions on 04 November 2020.


The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is finalising the review on the Kiribati Mauri Mark Program.

The Mauri Mark was initially developed as Kiribati’s National Tourism Standards Programme for all visitor accommodations. Through the review, TAK has extended this standards program to include tourism enterprises such as restaurants and bars, tourism leisure crafts and dive operators. The revised Mauri Mark program will also include the Mauri Way, an industry wide customer service program.

Mauri Mark is designed to ensure high level of safety and security for our visitors and aims to improve overall visitor experience.

The program is based on the compliance standards developed in partnership with Kiribati’s Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS), Ministry of Fisheries and Marines Resources Development (MFMRD) and the Ministry of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development (MICTTD) and the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is mandated under the Tourism Act 2018 to manage this program.

TAK believes that once finalised and implemented, the Mauri Mark standards program will help in Kiribati’s post COVID-19 tourism recover strategy and guarantee improved product offerings to visitors when international travel resumes.

Mauri Mark awareness workshops and audits are scheduled to begin in August 2020.


The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has released its first ever Tourism Sector Review for the year 2019 based on data collected by the Research and Statistics Division.

The report provides analysis on the international visitor figures and markets; purpose of visit, average length of stay; and also looks at yacht and cruise visitors. A look into a supply side provides figures on accommodations, employment, and inventory.

Key highlights of this report include:

  • 14% year on year (YOY) growth in international visitor arrivals in 2019 (business & leisure)
  • Increase in inbound flights into Kiribati
  • 11% increase in new beds (inventory)
  • Up to 450 direct employment created in this sector

TAK will continue with this annual review released every April.

A copy of the report can be downloaded from the Resource Centre of the TAK’s corporate website.


Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) had the privilege to participate in clean-up and tree replanting awareness program on the 21 May 2020.

This was part of the Ministry of Environment, Land and Agricultural Development’s (MELAD) International Biodiversity Day celebrations that included the clean up at the Taiwan Park led by the MELAD Biodiversity team.

The theme of the 2020 International Biodiversity Day was “our solutions are in nature’ and MELAD chose this year’s celebration to focus on raising awareness and appreciation of our natural environment and what we can do as a community to protect it.

TAK agrees that such a program is equally important and relevant to our tourism messaging of a clean and pristine island destination and encourages greater involvement from the wider community.

COVID-19 Impacts Kiribati Tourism

The global tourism industry has been one of the most affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic and Kiribati is no exception.

Kiribati’s tourism industry, by regional comparison is small and very niche market driven where fly and bone fishing dominate the market. Annually, the island nation hosts a little over 5,000 international visitors, 21% of whom are from U.S.A, 17% Australia, 9% New Zealand and 22% from other countries including UK and Europe. Tarawa in the Gilbert group and Kiritimati in the Line islands are Kiribati’s main international ports of entry and are serviced Fiji Airways, Our Airline (Tarawa only) and Solomon Airlines (Tarawa only).

Amendments and cancellations to bookings into Kiritimati and Tarawa surfaced when the Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) began issuing travel advisories in line with the country’s COVID-19 precautionary measures. By mid-March 2020, total room nights cancellations across Kiribati exceeded 3,500.

The confirmation of Fiji’s first novel coronavirus case on Thursday 19 March 2020 sparked several control measures by the Fijian government including the immediate suspension of services to Tarawa and Kiritimati by Fiji Airways from Nadi effective the very next day. These cancellations coupled with the earlier suspension of the Our Airline service from Nauru and Majuro and Solomon Airlines service a week later means that Kiribati is now literally isolated.

Consultations between the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) and tourism stakeholders in Tarawa and Kiritimati revealed that accommodation providers are operating on shortened staff hours and/or layoffs, limited hotel services and other cost control measures.

Betio Lodge I and Utirerei, two of the larger accommodation providers on Tarawa were the first to succumb to the impact of COVID-19, with both announcing complete closures withing days of each other.

Ms. Agnes Tiaoti, receptionist of Betio Lodge 2 said that the closure of its sister hotel (Betio Lodge 1) meant that staffs will now be absorbed into Betio Lodge 2 on reduced working hours.

Owner and Director of Utirerei Hotel, Taam Kaiteie says that “the safety and wellbeing of our staffs is our priority and with the current situation on coronavirus, precautionary measures should be taken seriously and that is why we see the need to close down for two weeks or until further notice.”

Fema Lodge also recorded drop in bookings and have laid off some of their staff for two weeks and this will be reviewed as situations dictate. Lodge Manager Boaa Fatali added that “the only people we employ now is one receptionist, a housekeeper, a cook, handyman and a watchman. With no customer around we take this as an opportunity to renovate some our rooms.”

The cessation of international flights means that TAK will need to adjust its marketing program and assist operators develop and promote local weekend/retreat packages. The Marketing, Promotions and Communications team of the Authority have begun discussions with interested partners to develop their packages and compliment the local e-marketing campaigns that it will be rolling out.

TAK will use this time to undertake capacity building and training programs beginning with a Digital Tourism Online Workshop facilitated by the Pacific Trade & Invest office, Australia and Fly-Fishing product assessment on the Gilbert group.

The shock that COVID-19 has created on tourism and the global economy is severe. However, TAK believes that like any other outbreaks in history, this pandemic will phase out by the end of 2020.  The Authority will therefore use this unusually quiet period to re-assess and re-valuate its priorities to ensure that the current needs of its stakeholders are highlighted and to also prepare the industry for when Kiribati tourism will be back in business.