Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Community Product Development Consultation

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) undertook product development consultations on the islands of Makin and Butaritari in August 2021.

Led by Product & Development Officer Kiarake Karuaki, the team of 3 from TAK began with village and community consultation. These included tourism knowledge sharing and discussions on the types of tourism that could be developed using resources currently available to each community.

Understanding both the negative and positive impacts of tourism and the value of sustainable tourism development in Kiribati was also part of the consultations in these two northern Gilbert islands.

The product development consultation also included case study presentation of successful product developments projects implemented by TAK in Abemama such as the Reina Community Tourism Project.

Current accommodation providers in Makin and Butaritari were also updated on the new Mauri Mark Standards and assessment requirements which will begin in 2022.

Response from Makin and Butaritari communities was promising as communities acknowledged the initiative as a great start to understanding tourism and how they can be an active part to it. Communities also expressed appreciation that such consultations have helped them understand that tourism is more than just hotel businesses and that cultures and traditions, and that the Kiribati way of life is core to the whole tourism experience.

TAK is scheduled to undertake similar product consultations in other islands with tourism potential in Kiribati as part of its Post COVID-19 Tourism Restart Program.