The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted a Tourism Business Inventory Survey (TBIS), Outer Island Perception Surveys (OIPS) and Cultural Mapping on both Makin and Butaritari Island from 12 to 30 August 2021.
A total of 8 accommodations surveyed, 3 in Makin and 5 in Butaritari.
TBIS is part of TAK yearly program to update information from accommodation providers including, number of services, facilities, contact information etc. to be updated on TAK’s information platforms.
Outer Island Perception Survey, seeks the local perceptions on Tourism and its social-cultural, environment and economic impacts to the local communities. 10% households on Makin and Butaritari island participated in this survey.
In addition, TAK also undertook cultural mapping on both islands to identify areas that are significant and can support tourism development.
Information gathered will help build a TAK stronger portfolio for our tourism operators in Kiribati and to identify key areas that TAK needs to work on as part of its Tourism Reset Program.