Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

WWII Relics Cleanup drive at Takoronga Point

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) commemorated World Environment Day through a clean-up drive at the World War ll relics at Takoronga point in Betio on Saturday 06th June 2020.

The war relics include 2x 8inch vickers anti-ship coastal guns and bunker installed by the Japanese during its occupation of Betio in World War ll.

As custodian of all World War ll relics in Kiribati, TAK is working with local partners such as the Ministry of Environment Lands and Agricultural Development (Environment Conservation Division), local communities and private businesses to undertake the clean-up and preservation of all World War ll relics in Kiribati.

The 06th June clean-up was supported by the local Takoronga community who also planted flowers along the road to help beautify the site. The event concluded with refreshments and a community picnic the following weekend.