Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter


The PIPA Tourism Advisory subcommittee (PTASC)met in 21 May to review the Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Integrated Sustainable Tourism Development in Kanton and other potential areas in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA).

Chaired by PIPA Implementation Office (PIO), PTASC is made up of stakeholder representatives from Tourism, Lands, Culture, and the Commerce Ministry.

Once finalised, the RFP will be an invitation to potential investors to consider sustainable tourism development in PIPA. The RFP is based on Kanton, Orona and Nikumaroro, the island believed to be final resting place of aviator Amelia Earhart.

The next meeting to finalize the draft Request Proposal Document is scheduled to the 2nd week of June 2020.