Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Kiribati Tourism Industry Review 2023

In 2023, Kiribati experienced and welcomed its first resumption of tourism & travel arrivals marking the arrival of cruise ships after the border closure since the COVID-19 period. A total of 5118 cruise passengers were welcomed in Kiribati for the first time after the COVID-19 lockdown.

The first part of the report highlights important events and key activities that TAK has accomplished which ranged from the establishment of the sustainable tourism policy, preparations for cruise ship arrivals, and TAK’s participation in regional and international expos.

The reports also captured the increase in international arrivals to Kiribati when compared to the previous year 2022. An increase of 364% which doubled the international arrival figure in 2022.

This increase was caused by the resumption of regular flights to Kiribati from Fiji Airways and Nauru Airlines. The reports also provide an average length of stay by purpose of visit and by nationality which shows which country spends more nights in Kiribati. Corporate visitors stayed the longest with 15 nights.

Domestic tourism travel by sea increased by 25% when compared to 2022 marine travel while domestic travel by air also decreased by 5%.

The report further provides the number of visitors visiting the Museum and the main purpose of their visits.
The growth in tourism supply was also stated in the reports with a breakdown of the number of female staff and male staff currently working at accommodations in Kiribati.

TAK continued to give its acknowledgement to the following Ministries and companies for their continued support and contributions to the report, Air Kiribati Limited; the Marine Guard; the Immigration department, Shipping Agencies of Kiribati, Kiribati Customs Office and the tourism operators and accommodations that supplied data for the purpose of this report.

You can view the full report here