Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK Launches 3-Year Digital Marketing Strategy

Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) launched 3-year digital marketing strategy during their World Tourism Day celebration on Monday 27 September 2021.

In her presentation, Senior Tourism Marketing officer, Ms. Sarah Teetu shared that the aim of the 3-year strategy is to implement effective destination marketing and promotion initiatives and position Kiribati as the leading emerging Island destination of the Pacific.  The formulation of the strategy was guided by the Tourism Authority’s Strategic Plan, the Kiribati Tourism and Hospitality protocols for the New Normal and the 2019 International Visitors Survey report.  The plan envisions to help influence economic growth, social development, and environmental well-being in Kiribati through sustainable tourism.

The strategy has been designed to be both flexible and sustainable- while delivering further growth in international tourism. Ms. Teetu expressed that the strategy will support the industry across all the Islands of Kiribati and help address the issues of capacity and influence the delivery of memorable visitor experience. She added that the strategy is built on a set of sustainable destination digital marketing principles.

TAK acknowledged the technical assistance provided by Gold Cost based digital marketing expert, Ms Kylie Peterson, through Australia Volunteers International program funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.









1 thought on “TAK Launches 3-Year Digital Marketing Strategy”

  1. Hello there at Kiribati Tourism,
    it is great to here and see that Kiribati is opening up for tourism.
    Do you have any overview of Hotels, activities, touring, itinerarys … things to do and see on Kiribati and there islands …. ?
    To promote Kribati on our website we would need great images as well ..
    Would be great to hear back from you.
    All the best from Munich / Germany
    Pacific Travel House / Touroperator for the South Pacific since 1988

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