Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

South Tarawa Marketing Consultation

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted its first marketing consultation with South Tarawa Operators on Thursday 11 March 2021.

The consultation is part of the TAK’s Recovery Marketing Plan development program and was also an opportunity to gather updated product information and discuss issues that are important to operators during these challenging times.

Feedback received from the consultation included the positive impact the Mauri Experience campaign has had in stimulating demand in the local market. Operators acknowledged that it (campaign) continues to create awareness on their special offers and generate bookings to their properties.

Through this consultation, TAK has also identified some immediate training and marketing needs for select operators and actions are being taken to address them.

The consultations also gave TAK the opportunity to discuss the training component for the Kiribati Tourism & Hospitality Protocols for the New Normal and its reset program. This will play an integral part in preparing the tourism industry for when the Government of Kiribati approves border reopening.

TAK will continue its marketing consultations in Kiritimati and the outer islands before developing and implementing its Recovery Marketing Plan.