Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter


Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) attended the Commonwealth Blue Charter National Workshop on Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Action Group from on 22 and 23 May 2020 at Teuanete Maneaba in Taborio.

The Blue Charter is an initiative from the Commonwealth on sustainable management and development of the marine resources. It has 10 action groups which will address issues and developments on different areas of the ocean.

Kiribati initiated to champion the 10th action group called Sustainable Coastal Fisheries which will be led by the Coastal Fisheries Division under the Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resource Development (MFMRD).

Among key stakeholders, TAK delivered a presentation sharing the linkages between tourism and the sustainable coastal fisheries and highlighted how tourism can contribute to achieving sustainable coastal fisheries. TAK also raised the notion of possible areas of collaboration between stakeholders and underlined issues that may hinder the successful development of sustainable coastal fisheries and the development of marine eco-tourism.

TAK looks forward to its continued participation and contribution to Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Action Group. END