Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter


The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has released its first ever Tourism Sector Review for the year 2019 based on data collected by the Research and Statistics Division.

The report provides analysis on the international visitor figures and markets; purpose of visit, average length of stay; and also looks at yacht and cruise visitors. A look into a supply side provides figures on accommodations, employment, and inventory.

Key highlights of this report include:

  • 14% year on year (YOY) growth in international visitor arrivals in 2019 (business & leisure)
  • Increase in inbound flights into Kiribati
  • 11% increase in new beds (inventory)
  • Up to 450 direct employment created in this sector

TAK will continue with this annual review released every April.

A copy of the report can be downloaded from the Resource Centre of the TAK’s corporate website.