Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK participates in Blue Economy Policy Dialogue

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) CEO participated at the Regional Conference and Policy Dialogue on Blue Economy, Ocean Tourism and Sustainable Blue Financing in Nadi, Fiji from 25 – 27 February 2020.

The two-day regional conference and  one-day policy dialogue provided an opportunity for officials from the coastal/ ocean countries in the Asia Pacific region the opportunity to gain knowledge on sustainable development in the context of ocean economy as well as exchanging views on how to promote economic growth from ocean tourism and develop blue financing in the face of habitually climate change.

The conference included presentations of academic and policy papers in related fields whilst the policy dialogues addressed ocean-economy related themes.

Kiribati used this platform to raise awareness of its national tourism development program in the wake of a global shift towards minimal carbon footprint and its links to blue economy and sustainable blue financing.

The event was jointly organised by the Asia Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA), Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI-SPF), International Cooperation and Development Fund, Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) and the Fiji National University (FNU).