Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Preparing Kiritimati Island Sea Port for Cruise Vessels

In preparation for upcoming Cruise Vessels to Kiritimati Island this year, a sounding survey was conducted by the Kiribati Port of Authority, Civil Engineering & Technical Unit, HMMD and Tourism Authority of Kiribati on Friday 14th February 2020 to provide spots or sites that need to be dredged.

The survey resulted from last year cancellation of cruise calls to Kiritimati Island concerning the shallowness of the Ronton Channel which prevented tender boats to cross over to the jetty. Since there is no other channel on Kiritimati for tender boats, the Ronton Channel should be deepened to a required depth of 5 meters.

Part of the preparation involves a cleaning campaign which was conducted at Tabontekee on the same day as the survey. Staffs of the Ministry of Lines and Phoenix Islands Development, Government agencies and some private operators were part of this cleaning campaign which will be conducted every week on Fridays.