A team from the Marine Division of the Ministry of Information, Communication, Transport and Tourism Development and Secretariat of the Pacific Community conducted a one-day workshop on Simplified IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) Risk Assessment on 28th November 2019, in Kiritimati Island. The workshop was attended by Fisherman Association, Wildlife and Conservation Division, Customs, Marine Guard, CPPL (Central Pacific Producers Ltd.) and the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK).
The main purpose of the workshop is to meet with concern stakeholders to assist in providing and assessing possible risks that would contribute to the safety of Navigation in the future.
The outcome of the workshop provides information that are vital for the safety management of our marine. This includes, the renewal of the Navigational/Hydrographic charts, installation of AtoNs (Aids to Navigations) and providing training on the rules of marine navigation.
Installation of new AtoNs at the main channel in London and providing new and updated Navigational charts would support cruise tourism development in Kiritimati and would also provide safety of tourists travelling in the sea for fishing, diving and surfing.