Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Kiribati Draws Closer to a New Destination Brand

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) is making significant progress towards unveiling a new destination brand for Kiribati. This development follows the successful Branding Validation Workshop held on June 20, 2024, at the Marine Training Center (MTC) in South Tarawa. The workshop coincided with the visit of branding consultant Mr. Carl Solomon from the Destination Marketing Store (DMS) in Australia. Mr. Solomon conducted the workshop to share the results of his consultation in South Tarawa, which took place in March 2024.

Mr. Solomon was referred to TAK by the Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI), a regional technical assistance program partnered with the governments of Australia and New Zealand, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The PSDI is funding the project to assist TAK in developing a new destination brand for Kiribati.

The primary goal of the rebranding initiative is to create a refreshed brand that aligns with the values of the Kiribati community and key policies and strategies, such as the Kiribati Vision 20 (KV20), the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Policy (KSTP), and TAK’s Strategic Plan.

Mr. Solomon emphasized that the new brand would center around the Local Hero archetype, highlighting the ‘I-Kiribati’ culture, heritage, and community. He noted that the brand will be shaped by the people of Kiribati, reflecting how they wish to present their destination brand to the world. The aim is to capture their passion for their homeland and culture while delivering unique visitor experiences that attract high-yield, low-impact tourism. This brand approach promotes sustainable tourism development, balancing cultural preservation, environmental protection, and economic growth.

The Branding Validation Workshop on June 20th brought together representatives from the local tourism industry, NGOs, and government agencies. Mr. Solomon presented the Kiribati New Brand Strategy and visual brand identity concepts, inspired by the Local Hero archetype. Despite the progress made during the workshop, TAK recognizes that further work is needed to finalize the brand, with the official launch planned soon this year, 2024.