Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK Participates in Start & Improve Your Business Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop.

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati participated in an 8 days Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop in ‘Start & Improve Your Business’ (SIYB) held at the Marine Training Centre in Betio from 5th to 14th March 2024.

The SIYB TOT was organized by International Labour Organization (ILO) for Pacific Island Countries in collaboration with the Kiribati Government and funded by the SDG fund through the Join UN Programme on “Accelerating SDG achievement through digital transformation to strengthen community resilience in Micronesia’.
A collaboration organized to address the issue of unemployment and poverty for both rural and urban areas, allowing SIYB trainers to gain acquired knowledge and skills and be able to deliver quality business trainings and sustainable programs.

The Training will also assist the Kiribati government to strengthen and revive its entrepreneurs and cooperatives as key business players to improve economic activities, create jobs, assist in delivering basic services and generate income for communities including women and unemployed youths in the urban and rural areas.
The SIYB workshop focused on six learning components; GYB (Generate Your Business Ideas), SYB (Start Your Business), IYB (Improve Your Business), EYB (Expand Your Business), DYB (Digitalising Your Business) and GYB (Greening Your Business).

A total of 18 participants participated in the TOT training comprised mainly of representatives from the Kiribati Champer of Commerce, Central Pacific Producer Limited, Angirin Enterprises, Development Bank of Kiribati, Kiribati Institute of Technology, Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources Development, Ministry of Women, Youth, Sport and Cooperatives and Social Affairs, Te Toa Matoa (People with Disabilities), Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry Cooperatives and the Tourism Authority of Kiribati.

TAK staff stress the importance of the training and how it will boost their capacity in this area, allowing them to extend this training to existing and established tourism operators, community-based tourism businesses, as well as to anyone who might have insight into creating and establishing a sustainable tourism business in the future.