Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Cultural Rehabilitation in Nonouti

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati teamed up with the Culture Museum Division (CMD) to conduct a cultural rehabilitation program on Nonouti Island from the 25 August to 02 September 2020.

The program included the filming of traditional skills specifically on the preservation of culinary techniques along with traditional fishing skills, the monitoring farming practices of local produce such as breadfruits, pandanus, coconuts to name a few together with monitoring the progress of resilient crop varieties planted during previous visits and consulting the local communities on the beautification and historical cultural sites that could serve as potential tourist attractions.

Additionally, TAK also had the opportunity to raise awareness on the economic, social, and cultural importance of developing a cultural tour package for Nonouti.

The integration of local knowledge and skills with hybrid resilient crop varieties ensure food security by mitigating the impacts of climate change. These practices will also become a tourist attraction to be demonstrated during community tour packages.

Through program, selected communities have expressed their interest in establishing and developing their cultural tour product and package and TAK will assist them through this process.

This activity was supported by the LDCF-1 Project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, and implemented under the Environment and Conservation Division with the support of the United Nations Development Programme.