Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

KNSL’s new Fast Ferry provides a new alternative to improve Travel & Tourism in the Gilbert Islands of Kiribati

The Kiribati National Shipping Ltd (KNSL) and the people of Kiribati are delighted with the arrival of MV Tobwaiko, a new fast ferry. The ferry is 15 metres long and 5 metres wide and can carry 50 passengers at a time. The speed of the ferry is supported by its twin jet engines that will run with speeds of 20 to 29knots. The ferry is supplied by Yahama Yachts, a Chinese-based company that builds maritime transportation.

A formal reception for the new fast ferry ‘Tobwaiko’ was hosted by KNSL at the Betio Port on the 7th of August 2024. The name of KNSL fast ferry ‘Tobwaiko’ is inspired by its meaning ‘nuture’ and will serve its purpose of providing fast ferry transportation between Tarawa port and several of the outer islands in the Gilbert Islands group of Kiribati.

On the Tourism side, ‘Tobwaiko’ fast ferry will also significantly support tourism in Kiribati by improving accessibility between islands, providing another alternative quick travel option convenient for both locals and tourists. With faster and more reliable transportation such as Tobwaiko, tourists can explore multiple islands in a shorter time, enhancing their overall experience. This increased connectivity can also help boost local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and tour operators, by bringing in more visitors. Additionally, Tobwaiko can help promote lesser-known islands, spreading the economic benefits of tourism and business opportunities more evenly across the country. Overall, it would play a crucial role in making Kiribati a more attractive and accessible destination.

KNSL will prioritize safety and comfort for travelling passengers whilst the ferry will be operated by a well-trained captain and crew of KNSL. On board Tobwaiko there will be restrooms, air conditioning, meal & beverage service, and Starlink internet for passenger convenience and comfort to enjoy travel experience by sea.

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