Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK promotes the new tourism registration and licensing regulation to the Line & Phoenix Islands

The Ministry of Tourism, Commerce, Industry, and Cooperatives (MTCIC) held a half-day awareness campaign with the Mayor, Councilors, and the clerk of the Kiritimati Urban Council on 29th July on the new licensing regime for all local tourism operators under the new TAK Regulation which stipulates that the collection of tourism license fees will be implemented by the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) in 2025.

The awareness consultation was led by legal advisor Mr. Waimauri Nawaia from the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce, Industry, and Cooperatives in Tarawa, who was accompanied by the Principal Tourism Officer from TAK office based in Kiritimati Island.
In the existing practice, the Kiritimati Urban Council Office, like other island council offices throughout Kiribati, collects the hotel and tour operation license fees. Through this awareness consultation, the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce, Industries & Cooperatives promoted and informed the Kiritimati Urban Council that by the beginning of 2025, all licenses from hotels and tour operations will be collected and payable to the Tourism Authority of Kiribati.

The Kiritimati Urban Council is very supportive of this new change. The mayor and his councilors are looking forward to further development of the tourism and hospitality sector as anticipated in this change.

Kiritimati is now the 5th island to be informed about this new role by TAK and the new licensing initiative. Further awareness will be extended to Tabuaeran (Fanning Island) and Teraina (Washington Island) later in the year.