Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Abemama Island revisited to re-engage Community-Based Tourism Operators.

After launching Abemama as a tourism-ready island in 2022, the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) has revisited the island to support and evaluate tourism operators as part of its sustainability plan. TAK conducted a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) assessment from May 10th to 19th, focusing on Community-Based Tourism (CBT) operators.

This initial M&E mission aimed to ensure ongoing engagement with CBT operators, maintaining strong partnerships and successful tourism operations. During the visit, Ms. Kiarake Karuaki introduced the concept of homestay development to CBT operators. She emphasized how homestays can complement existing tour programs, highlighting the potential for tourism to grow and benefit the community. Homestays, being a popular trend in the travel industry, offer authentic experiences that can enhance the appeal of Abemama.

As part of the mission, TAK established the Abemama Tourism Working Group Committee. This committee includes representatives from tour operators, accommodation providers, and the island council. Its purpose is to oversee tourism operations, address challenges, and ensure smooth and effective management. The executive body of the committee will play a crucial role in coordinating efforts and supporting the tourism sector on the island.
The M&E mission reflects TAK’s ongoing commitment to supporting CBT operators. By continuously monitoring and evaluating tourism operations, TAK aims to strengthen partnerships and ensure sustainable tourism development on Abemama.