Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK Helps Shape Nanikaai Fisheries Plan for Sustainable Tourism

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati’ (TAK) is collaborating with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resource Development’s (MFMRD) Community – Based Fisheries Management Division’s (CBFM) to incorporate tourism in its Coastal Fisheries Management Initiatives.

Through a meeting attended by TAK CEO Petero Manufolau, DCEO Reeti Onorio and Tourism Product Development Officer Kiarake Karuaki, TAK discussed how CBFM could consider introducing community-based tourism elements into its soon to be launched Nanikaai Community-Based Fisheries Management Plan in South Tarawa.

The TAK proposal will essentially see the inclusion of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) Tour, a Nanikaai Community Tour, cultural presentation, and local and repurposed handicraft sales to South Tarawa visitors by the Nanikaai community.

TAK believes that whilst such an initiative will help generate additional revenue for the Nanikaai community, it will also contribute to the fulfillment of the destinations sustainable tourism obligations as outlined in the Kiribati Sustainable Tourism Policy (KTSP).

As part of its contribution, TAK will support the Nanikaai community through training and capacity development programs including the product development, pricing strategies, marketing, and tourism business fundamentals training.

The Nanikaai Community-Based Fisheries Management Plan will be launched in late January 2024 and TAK is collaborating with CBFM to include product familiarisation tour for local accommodation providers, tour operators and media partners during the launch.