Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Butaritari ready to welcome international travellers 

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) completed a one-week training on housekeeping, tour guide and COVID-19 safety on Butaritari island from 14 – 18 November 2022.

The COVID-19 safety protocol refresher training aimed to support the islands 4 accommodation providers and 1 restaurant to remain safety conscious as the island begin welcoming foreign visitors.

The tour guide training provided the islands registered tour guides the opportunity to improve their product knowledge, get a better understanding on tour package and pricing and management of their services as a business.  Participants also received customer service training and were encouraged to create exceptional experiences for travellers to Butaritari.

The week-long training program concluded 79th anniversary of the Battle of Makin (Butaritari) in Ukiangang village.