Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

TAK Acknowledges Kiribati Tourism Social Super Stars

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) celebrated World Tourism Day 2022 yesterday with an appreciation event to acknowledge the contributions of a group of Kiribati Tourism Social Super Stars to Kiribati destination promotion.

Hosted at the TAK office in Takoronga, Betio, the Kiribati Tourism Social Super Stars were identified through their active engagement in promoting different aspects of the Kiribati experience through their social media platforms.

This initiative to acknowledge Kiribati Tourism Social Super Stars draws from the UNWTO World Tourism Day 2022 theme of ‘Rethinking Tourism’. TAK recognises that each I-Kiribati or an individual who has experienced Kiribati is a storyteller in one way or another and by sharing their experiences can help create awareness on Kiribati as a unique tourism destination.

The four (4) Kiribati Tourism Social Super Stars recognised at yesterday’s event included Air Kiribati Twin Otter Captain Ms. Salote Mataitini (Twitter @mytagimoucia), Kaara Baretaki Kannangaki (TikTok @tinanteree82), Raimon Kataotao (Instagram @kataotao) and the administrators of Humans of Kiribati Facebook and Instagram pages. Each were awarded with an appreciation certificate from the TAK Board of Directors Chairman, Mr. Tabotabo Auatabu.

The celebration also included the acknowledgement of the TAK Marketing Division who welcomed their 10,000th follower on the official Visit Kiribati Facebook page.

In line with the theme of ‘Rethinking Tourism’, TAK encourages stakeholders and communities to recognise that tourism is everyone’s business and hopes to welcome more Kiribati Tourism Social Super Stars in the future.