Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Kiribati US Tourism Pro-fellows to give back to Community

Hawaii’s East West Centre has over the years hosted a number of Kiribati tourism young professionals in its Tourism Professional Fellow program. Conducted on cohorts of up to 20 participants, the program included leadership and mentorship program across various tourism related sectors in Hawaii and a 1-week global conference in Washington DC, USA.

Pro-fellows alumni in Tarawa met with US Embassy Press & Media Coordinator and former Fiji US Alumni (FUSA) President, Miss Maggie Boyle to discuss the establishment of a Kiribati US Alumni chapter.

Ms Boyle shared her experiences of what an alumni could achieve and the support mechanisms in place to help Kiribati US Alumni create a positive impact in their respective professional environment and communities.

There are over 80 US Alumni in Kiribati and the Tourism Pro-fellows hopes to reach out to each one of them to begin discussions on how their US professional development experiences can be best utilised to benefit local communities.