Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

Kiribati elected to Chair Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)

The Chief Executive Officer of the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK), Petero Manufolau was appointed Chair to the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) Board of Directors at its bi-annual meeting on Wednesday May, 25th 2022.

In acknowledging the selection by the SPTO Board, Manufolau noted the importance of the opportunity, especially for a Small Island State like Kiribati.

“Though we are a small island state with a minute contribution to regional tourism, rest assured that we are determined to work collaboratively and innovatively with SPTO, its membership and key stakeholders to ensure sustainable, resilient, inclusive and prosperous tourism reactivation in the Pacific”.

TAK is grateful for this opportunity to serve regional tourism as Chair of the SPTO Board and will work with SPTO CEO, secretariat and members to advance the region’s post COVID-19 recovery and promote sustainable tourism development in the Pacific.