Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

New Maneaba Cultural Tourism in Kiritimati

The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) joined the Kiritimati community at the opening ceremony of the “Tokanikai II” Kiribati Uniting Church Maneaba, in Poland, Christmas Island on 13th June 2020.

A Maneaba is a traditional Kiribati meeting house and is central to the island’s way of life. Its size reflects its importance to the community and are characterized with low extended roofs that require guests to bow when entering the Maneaba, as a sign of respect.

At the ceremony, TAK OIC, Tekonaba Teburea, acknowledged the importance of the Maneaba in Kiribati culture and encouraged the community to maintain and preserve it.

Mr Teburea also had the opportunity to create awareness on the importance of tourism in a community and its contribution to our socio-economic development.

The opening of ‘Tokanikai II’ was one of the biggest functions held in Poland, and was attended by officials from the Ministry of Line and the Phoenix Islands.