Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter


The Ministry of Line & Phoenix Islands hosted a launching ceremony on Friday 1st May 2020, to mark the official completion of the New Integrated Land Use Plan for Kiritimati Island. Minister for the Line & Phoenix Hon. Mikarite Temari officiate this launching ceremony declaring the completion of this very important plan on behalf of the Government.

The Honourable Minister stressed the importance of this plan as a guideline for land use management to control, prevent and legislate such developments to refrain Kiritimati Island from confronting issues that is now currently been experienced by South Tarawa due to overpopulation and unplanned developments.

He added that the implementation of the plan would also help in achieving the Government vision for 20 years (KV20) on tourism developments.

With the plan confirming potential tourism sites, TAK Kiritimati will work with the Lands Division, Wildlife and Conservation Division, Fisheries and MLPID to regulate and manage these sites.

The event was also attended by the Mayor to Kiritimati Urban Council, Church leaders and communities on the island, Parliament representatives from Kiritimati and Teraina Islands and government officials. The program ended with a tour of the ILUP maps displayed on the notice board. END