Three teams which includes the Tourism Authority of Kiribati visited and conducted a roadshow program at all the pilot islands of LDCF-I project; Maiana Abemama and Nonouti from 25/10/19 – 4/11/19 in commemoration of the World Food Day. The roadshow was organized by the Project management unit within LDCF in collaboration with its Advocacy Working Committee. 3 youth drama groups were engaged in this awareness program.
The purpose of the roadshow is to increase the visibility of the LDCF-I project in its aim to build the resilience of the indigenous people on these islands so their capacity is enhanced to sustain their livelihood against the impacts of climate change. TAK delivered a presentation on the importance of Tourism in Kiribati.
During the roadshow, the benefits were also clarified to the people so they would be motivated to participate and appreciate the project activities. About 4,000 people were watching the roadshow from all the pilot islands including the women, men, youth and people who are living with disabilities.
According to the overall report received from the 3 teams, it shows that the audience did enjoy all the drama shows and that they were also willingly participated in the quiz competition. Such manners show that the audience did understand and absorb the concept shared in the drama show.
The roadshow program in all the pilot islands was supported by the Kiribati LDCF I Project, funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented under the Environment and Conservation