Tourism Authority Kiribati

Kaongora Newsletter

South Tarawa and Betio will benefit from tourism opportunities if the capital is kept clean and there is collaborative effort for good waste management practices. This was the key message highlighted during the Kiribati Te Boboto Technical Dialogue (Boboto means Beautiful) hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD on 23 August at the Otintaai Hotel.

The technical dialogue was attended to by various government ministries, Island councils (BTC and TUC Clerks), community and church group representatives, business representatives, NGOs and as well as the New Zealand High Commission Office.


Tourism Opportunities from Good waste management practices

Tourism Authority of Kiribati Deputy CEO, Ms. Reeti Onorio delivered a presentation on the the impacts of improper Solid wastes disposals on tourism. Key to her message was the disparity between travellers dream of a clean and beautiful tropical island paradise against the current state of cleanliness of most parts of South Tarawa.

In her presentation, Ms. Onorio also shared funding of two international visitor surveys, which listed plastics and bottles, metal and broken cars, and other wastes as their main disappointments in Tarawa. The survey also highlighted negative experiences when travellers visited war relics and some local beaches.

Ms. Onorio emphasised that tourism has a lot of potential to grow and extend its social and economic values nationwide and the image of clean and beautiful capital will help influence our visitor’s perception of Tarawa.

Whilst there were various challenges addressed during the dialogue, there was progressive transition of motivation by village communities and citizens, Government and NGOs to help improve the image of the country.

The Minister of MELAD, Hon. Alexander Teabo stressed the importance of all stakeholders to work together to keep Kiribati Bobotoo. Waste management is everyone’s business and it is only through collaboration and team effort and through a change behavioural habit that South Tarawa and Betio can become a cleaner and more desirable destination.